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  Home » IAJGS - International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies » 2014 International Conference on Jewish Genealogy »

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 23634 - Sensitive Subjects: How Much to Reveal, How Much to Conceal $10.95   
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Jane Rollins

How do you walk the fine line between accuracy and sensitivity with subjects like intermarriage, births without benefit of marriage, adoption, homosexuality, or suicide? Ms. Rollins will discuss how she has handled each with examples from her own family research.

* Intermarriage -- not a new phenomenon

* Informal Adoption -- melded families

* Formal Adoption

* Births that occur before or without benefit of marriage

* Homosexuality - Judaic law and homosexuality - Laws against homosexuality and how they have changed (or haven’t) - How individuals and families handled it

* Suicide and mental illness

* How flexible is genealogy software in recording atypical relationships?


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