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 *39th Annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy 2019 - Complete Set slides and synchronized audio $285.00   
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2019 International Conference on Jewish Genealogy conferenc recordings.

This package features video of PowerPoint slides with Synchronized live Audio for most sessions sessions and audio of all permitted sessions listed below. Only audio and slides where the speaker has given permission are being recorded.

Listen to the presenter audio and watch the slides, exactly as is happened live. This package allows you to review presentation materials and is a lasting valuable resource. Plus this package includes the MP3 Audio files of all sessions to listen to on your computer iPod or MP3 player.


Title Speaker
Budapest on the Cuyahoga: The Hungarian Jewish Community of Cleveland Vivian Kahn
Educators' Keynote: What is Jewish about Jewish Genealogy? Carol Starin
Hier Was Bertram: How My Research Led to a Stolperstein, Short Film, and Book Steven Jaron
Sex, Lies, and Genealogical Tape Ron Arons
Beginners Workshop – Part 1 Rhoda Miller
On the Trail of Our Ancestors from Ukraine to Cleveland and More Elaine Farran
Mobile App 101: Be a Pro-User Judi Missel
Educators' Workshop: How to Get Kids Involved in Family History Daniel Horowitz
Educators' Workshop: Designing an Introduction to Jewish Genealogy Program: Being Ready for Surprises Sylvia Abrams
Educators' Workshop: Jewish Genealogy for Beginners Maurice Kitces
Educators' Workshop: DNA as a Genealogy Tool Gil Bardige
Educators' Workshop: JewishGen-Everything You Need to Know Phyllis Kramer
Educators' Workshop: Projects that Draw Youth to Ancestral Roots Eli Rabinowitz
Introduction to Landsmanshaftn Avrohom Krauss
Tracing the Tribe: Jewish Genealogy on Facebook Roger Lustig
The Sugihara Refugee Story: Survivors and Those Without Whom This Story Would Not Be Told Mark Halpern
Comparing Jewish Resources on Ancestry.com, FamilySearch, Findmypast, MyHeritage and JewishGen Sunny Morton; Ellen Kowitt
The ABC's of Y-DNA Bennett Greenspan
New Developments at Beit Hatfutsot Haim Horia Ghiuzeli
Keynote: Welcome to Cleveland! Daniel Goldmark
Patronymic Naming and Cemetery Records - Their Importance in Jewish Genealogy Nolan Altman
Local and Specific Surnames in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia Julius Müller
A Rose by Any Other Name Garri Regev
Conducting Webinars: How to Broadcast Lectures To and From Your Society Daniel Horowitz
Gombin, a Polish Shtetl: Recovering Memories and Establishing Relationships, Linking the Past to the Future Anita Greenbaum-Brush; Michael Shade
After the Shoah, Honor Your Family by Restoring German Citizenship, Stolpersteine, and the Ancestral Tour Miriam Zimmerman; Michael Loewenstein
Anti-Semitism:  The Present in Historical Perspective William Bernstein
Seeing the Voices Haim Horia Ghiuzeli
How to Locate Individuals through Genealogy Fred Blum
Out of the Whirlwind: Finding Your Family Lost in the Holocaust Deborah H Long
Beginners Workshop – Part 2 Rhoda Miller
An Introduction to the Cleveland Jewish Archives Sean Martin
The Blumenthals of the Upper Lower Peninsula of Michigan Janette Silverman
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland; A Vision for the Future. Stanley Diamond
Jewish Genealogy:  How Is This Research Different from All Other Research? Janice Sellers
A Passage to America Haim Horia Ghiuzeli
Researching Your Litvak Heritage -- with LitvakSIG and Beyond Judy Baston
The Changing Borders of Eastern Europe Hal Bookbinder
JRI-Poland - Congress Poland Records Michael Tobias
Comparing the Genealogy Giants: Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org, Findmypast.com and MyHeritage.com. Sunny Morton
Introduction to DNA Research for Jewish Genealogists Adam Brown; Gil Bardige
DNA Case Study: Finding the Mystery Father Jay Sage
Resources for Researching Refugees in World War II: The Case of Max Neugass Karen S. Franklin
Following the Breadcrumbs Garri Regev
Location, Location, Location: How Historical Maps Can Help to Identify and Locate Your Ancestral Towns Ed Mitukiewicz
Researching Your Galitzianer Family: Working with Vital Records Mark Halpern
Vilnius Household Registers One Year Later: The Latest and Greatest in Litvak Records Russ Maurer
Revolutionizing Y-DNA for Genealogy Bennett Greenspan
Censuses of the Kingdom of Hungary: A Tool to Complement Vital Records Karoly Vandor
Privacy and Records Access: Restrictions Abound and Growing Jan Meisels Allen
Virtual Yizkor/Memorials Books: Creating Webpages Dedicated To Jewish Communities (Kehilot) Barbara Ellman
Scandals, Shandehs, and Lies: The Stories Families Don't Tell Renee Steinig
Iberia to Amsterdam: A Genealogical look at the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam Jarrett Ross
Genealogical Gems: Jewish History and Research in Central Ohio Toby Brief; Eizabeth Plummer
The Genetic Founders of the Jewish People Adam Brown
When DNA or Documents Reveal Life-Altering Origin Secrets: Suggestions on What To Do Steven Flack
Researching Your Small-Town Jewish Community Tammy Hepps
Using the Structures of Jewish Education Created by Abraham Hayyim Friedland to Identify Ancestors Sylvia Abrams
MyHeritage New Advanced Features and Technologies Daniel Horowitz
Personalizing History Janette Silverman
Creating a Shtetl Community: The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy Aaron Ginsburg
JewishGen.org 2019 Annual Meeting: Exciting Changes, Features, and Movement! Avraham Groll
Immigration through a 3-D Lens:  Laws, Documents and Story Susan Weinberg
Hungarian Riddles: Same Name, Same Town Karoly Vandor
Beginners Workshop – Part 3 Rhoda Miller
From Liepaja to Latgale – Beginning Latvian Jewish Research Marion Werle
Introduction to JewishGen.org & Jewish Genealogy Avraham Groll
Jewish and Eastern Europe Resources on MyHeritage: Super Search Engine Daniel Horowitz
WE ARE HERE! Project: Becoming An Upstander Rather Than A Bystander Eli Rabinowitz
Jewish Genealogy in the Germanies Roger Lustig
Using the Ancestry.com Community to Further your Research Anna Fechter
Genetic Genealogy 101 Lara Diamond
The Register of Baghdadi Jews Who Lost Their Iraqi Nationality in 1951 Jacob Rosen-Koenigsbuch
Practicing Safe Computing Hal Bookbinder
Lesser Known Online Resources Banai Lynn Feldstein
The Archive as a Communal Institution: The Story of the Rauh Jewish Archives Eric Lidji
How Genealogical Research Led to the Discovery of Two Billionaire Cousins in 19th Century Ukraine Mel Werbach
How Researching My Czech Family Led to Restoring a Synagogue Karen Koblitz; Julius Müller
Clarion Call – The Jewish Agricultural Colony in Sanpete County, Utah Jane Rollins
IAJGS 2020 San Diego Conference Preview Robinn Magid
Genetic Genealogy Identifies a Suspected Crypto-Jewish Disease Emily Warshauer; Adam Brown
The Strauss Family of Cleveland - a Pioneering Jewish Family Linda Levine
All the Ins and Out of Ancestry Online Trees Crista Cowan
JewishGen.org  - Opportunities to Volunteer Avraham Groll
History of Jews in Transnistrian Region of Moldova Inna Vayner
Treasures at the Slovak National Archives and its Branches Karoly Vandor
Using Pre-1826 Polish Parish Records in Jewish Research Debra Kay-Blatt; Warren Blatt
Latvian Internal Passports 1919-1940. Paul Cheifitz
Cite This: Citing Your Sources in Genealogical Research Janice Sellers
Sephardic Research: The Other Side of Jewish Genealogy Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Getting the Most Out of Ancestry.com Anna Fechter
Finding Relatives, Even When Dealing with Endogamy Lara Diamond
Jewishdata.com: A Valuable, Easy to Use Resource Avraham Laber
Getting Started in Genealogy: Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Kelli Bergheimer
Documenting the Vilna Ghetto Library Judy Baston
Peddler's Progress: How Isaac Frankenstein Got from Poland to Savannah via Brighton and Why Michael Shade
The Significant Seven: Hungarian First Cousins Who Survive the Shoah Michael Gyory; Judi Missel
Latvian Family Research: Starting, Searching, Stumbling, Succeeding. Henry Blumberg
Lost in the Shoah - Reconnecting with Those Who Were Murdered Janette Silverman
Discovering the treasures of the Yizkor Books: Using Yizkor Books in genealogy family research Yefim Kogan; Sheli Fain
The Jewish Record Collection on Ancestry Crista Cowan
Migration from Bohemia and Moravia to Upper Hungary in 18th century Julius Müller
Beginners Workshop – Part 4 Rhoda Miller
Think Like a Reporter To Avoid Rookie Genealogy Mistakes Jennifer Mendelsohn
Who’s Your Daddy? The Search for My Mother’s Father Debra Kay-Blatt
Shoah-Era Lists in the JDC Archives Names Index and Other Online Offerings for Jewish Genealogists Jeffrey Edelstein
Galicia Basics: What Every Galitzianer Needs to Know Shelley K. Pollero; Renee Steinig
Disproving the Cossack Ancestry Theory with DNA Rachel Unkefer
Discovering Hidden Treasure in the JRI-Poland Database Robinn Magid
Organize Your Research into a Family Document - on Your PC Phyllis Kramer
How to Start Genealogy Research in Poland? Magdalena Mizgalska-Osowiecka
The Health Family Tree: A New MyHeritage Feature Daniel Horowitz
Challenges of Jewish Research: Names, Dates and Places Janette Silverman
Syrian Jews in New York: 100 Years Later Sarina Roffe
Lessons Learned from the Austrian Jewish Museum and Cemetery Project in Eisenstadt, Burgenland Johannes Reiss; Traude Triebel
Jewish Genealogical Research in South Africa Roy Ogus
The ITS: What it Is, What it Isn't and What is Online Zvi Bernhardt
Techniques for Using Jewishgen.org Debbie Kroopkin
In-Evidence: The Map of the Holocaust by Bullets, Resource to Find Iinformation Kateryna Duzenko
Researching New York City Resources Remotely Jordan Auslander
Jewish Given Names Warren Blatt
Jews and their Wooden Synagogues: The Rise and Fall of the Shtetl Bill Farran
Finding Relatives in Russian Empire Records for non-Russian Speakers Lara Diamond
We Never Heard From Them Again – Researching Relatives Who Died in the Holocaust Jane Rollins
What's New in Austrian and Czech Jewish Genealogy? E Randol Schoenberg
Reuniting Families Severed by the Holocaust - and More Michael Goldstein
Discover Jewish Family History in the Western Reserve Historical Society Library Ann Sindelar
Shtetl Travel throughout Ukraine Alexander Dunai
Learning Our Craft: Online Opportunities for Improving Our Research Skills Emily Garber
The American Shtetl: Recreating a Jewish Community Andrea Massion
Blue Eyes, A Hanger, and DNA: Solving the Mystery of a Hidden Child Debra Kay-Blatt
Magyar Zsido Okleveltar - An Overlooked Resource for Hungarian Family Research Vivian Kahn
The Central Database of Shoah Victims: Names and Other Genealogical Sources at Yad Vashem Zvi Bernhardt
A Unique Surname Leads To Discovering Unique American and Holocaust Resources  Steve Stein
Lost in Pennsylvania? Try the Published Pennsylvania Archives Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
The World Memory Project: Learn About Indexing and Researching Records from the USHMM Anna Fechter
AncestryDNA Basics Crista Cowan
Does Everyone Know You’re There? How to Use PR to Raise Your Local JGS Profile Sandy Golden
Game Show Night: Jewish Genealogy Jeopardy aka Jewpardy! Ron Arons; Jordan Auslander
Small Town, Big Data:  Reconstructing Defunct Communities Through Technology Tammy Hepps
Preparing for a Library/Archive Visit Before You Go Kelli Bergheimer
Why Jews from the Former Soviet Union are Often Called Russians? Yefim Kogan
Online Resources for Jewish Genealogy in Chicagoland Michael Karsen
Jewish Life in Poland, Part 1: 10th-15th Centuries Avraham Groll
The Power of the Catalog – Unindexed Records and How to Find Them Risa Heywood
Bubbie, Who Are You? Finding the Maiden Names in Your Family Tree Janice Sellers
Why Cleveland? Finding Answers in the Industrial Removal Office Records Renee Carl
AncestryDNA:  New Tools and Strategies for Keeping Track of All Those Matches Crista Cowan
Including and Beyond Vital Records - Resources Used Reconstructing a Family Lara Diamond
Rosa Robota and The Heroic Jewish Women Martyrs Who Fought Back Inside Auschwitz Allan Mallenbaum
The Administrator General of Israel: Tracing Unclaimed Property Owners and their Heirs through Genealogical Research Jonathan Kirsch
The Cleveland Garment Industry: Families, Businesses, and Clothes Sean Martin
JewishGen Ukraine SIG 101 Phyllis Berenson
How to Improve Data for JOWBR Madeleine Isenberg
Look Closer: Mining Genealogical Gold in Civil War Pension Records for Jewish Soldiers Adrienne Usher; Caitlin Winkler; Alexandra Apito
Reclaim The Records: Using Freedom of Information Laws for Genealogical Research Brooke Ganz
Memoir Writing: A Personalized Method of Recording Family History for Future Generations Elaine Farran
Jazz Up Your Writing and Make an Impact: Strategies for Creating Compelling Stories Carole Vogel
Researching a National Jewry: the Jews of Scotland Michael Tobias
Montana's Pioneer Jewish Communities: A Lasting Legacy Ellen Baumler
Jewish Military Burials in the US and Europe Kathy Kirkpatrick
Jewish Life in Poland, Part 2: 16th-18th Centuries Avraham Groll
Get them to say YES: Reluctant Relatives and Cold Calls Mindie Kaplan
Jewish Ethnicity and DNA: Ashkenazi and Beyond Schelly Talalay Dardashti
JewishGen Kehilalinks  BOF
Privacy and Genealogy: What Are The Rules? E Randol Schoenberg; Jan Meisels Allen
Beyond the Manifest: Applying the Genealogical Proof Standard to Confirm One's Ancestral Origins Emily Garber
What I Did Wrong with DNA - Solving the Hat Box Baby Mystery Bonnie Belza
My Family History Blog: A Multi-purpose Tool Mary-Jane Roth
Rescuing Jews in Eastern Europe Kateryna Duzenko; Ewa Schaller
Alternative Sources for the Jewish Genealogy and Family Studies: Military, Legal, Notary, & Land Records Oleksandr Denysenko
These Guys are Really Buried in a Jewish Cemetery? Gary Gans
From Bella to Joe 2-3-43: In Search of a Jewish GI's Family Renee Steinig
From Babel to Benefit: Translation Tips for Foreign-Language Documents Jane Rollins
CSI: Crowd Sourced Indexing Banai Lynn Feldstein
Documentation of Granting and Loss of Citizenship from Interwar Period as a Source in Genealogy Maciej Wzorek
Methods for Breaking through Brick Walls Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
Eyewitnesses to the Shoah Highlight Search for Family in Three Countries Teven Laxer
Sources of Jewish Genealogy of XVIII to XX Centuries Alexander Dunai
Conflict Management: Evaluating Evidence of Identity Emily Garber
Write It! Tips for Saving and Sharing Family History in Written Form Martin Fischer
American Jewish Family Clubs and Circles as a Genealogy Resource Robinn Magid
The Way We Were: What Photographs Tell Us Patricia Edmonson
The Flatow Fiction: When Records Deceive Roger Lustig
Nancy Drew Does Genealogy Too: The Quest for Missing Mishpacha Ellen Kowitt
Help! I Do Not Speak Hebrew, Yet I Need Hebrew Sources for My Genealogical Research Johannes Reiss; Traude Triebel
The Origin and Growth of the Jewish Population in Russia Joel L. Spector
My Cousin the Gangster! Michael Karsen
Who was Aunt Dora? Unraveling the Cohens and the Levines Barbara Ellman
The Importance of Thorough American Research Risa Heywood


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