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 *Complete 2019 ASCH Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops Audio MP3 recordings $249.00   
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This package features audio recordings of all sessions recorded exactly as is happened at the All sessions live audio from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 2019 Scientific Meeting and Workshops held March 28-31, 2019 | San Antonio, TX.

Includes MP3 files of every session plus non synchronized slides in PDF format. Listen on your computer or fill your iPod or favorite MP3 player with all the live audio from every session.




Item Code Title Speaker
30041 PRC Pre-Conference Workshop: Empowering Clients to Make Better Decisions: Resilience is Good, but Prevention is Better Michael Yapko, PhD
30042 PL1 Plenary #1: Where’s the Strength in Ego-Strengthening? Michael Yapko, PhD
30043 AT1 Future Focused Therapeutic Strategies to Empower Resilience Moshe Torem, MD
30044 AT2 Working with Suffering from the Untoward Medical Events That Effect Our Lives Philip Appel, PhD, FASCH
30045 AT3 Rhythms of Mind, Body, and Soul: Musical Hypnosis to Enhance Resilience Anita Jung, MS, LPC‐S, FAPA
30046 PL2 Plenary #2: Hypnotic Ego Strengthening: Where We’ve Been and the Road Ahead Shirley McNeal, PhD, ABPP
30047 AF1 Process‐Oriented Hypnosis: Being General Deliberately to Produce Specific Results Michael Yapko, PhD
30048 AF2 Five Important Building Blocks Milton Erickson Taught Me for Hypnosis and Therapy Stephen Lankton, LCSW, DAHB, FASCH
30049 AF3 Reframing Via Altered States of Consciousness Experiences Influences Spiritual and Religious Aspects of Skin and Skin Disorders  Philip Shenefelt, MD, ABMH
30050 AF4 Ethical Application of Hypnosis Joel D. Marcus, PsyD, G. Lane Wagaman, EdD, Marc I. Oster, PsyD, ABPH
30051 AF5 Ego Strengthening and Resilience Building Ericksonian Style Jim Warnke, MA, MSW, LCSW
30052 AF6 Butt‐Out: Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation Linda Thomson, MSN, APRN, ABMH, ABHN
30053 AF8 Transpersonal Dimensions of Hypnosis and Healing Moshe Torem, MD and Phil Appel, PhD, FASCH
30054 AF9 Embodied Approaches to Hypnosis: An Integrative Approach to Treating Adults Who Have Experienced ACEs Suzanne Candell, PhD, LP; Jennifer Stoos, MDiv, MA, LMFT
30055 AF10 Utilization of Creative Clinical Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex and Frustrating Clinical Conditions Harvey Zarren, MD, FACC
30056 PL3 Plenary #3: Practical Lessons I’ve Learned from the Old Masters D. Corydon Hammond, PhD, ABPH
30057 AS1 Hypnotic Pain Management: Practical Strategies & Techniques D. Corydon Hammond, PhD, ABPH
30058 AS3 Ego Strengthening for Clinicians: Utilizing Stories to Make Your Work Evocative Robert Staffin, PsyD, ABPH
30059 AS4 Overcoming Performance Anxiety in Music, Sports, Test‐Taking and Public Speaking Carolyn Daitch, PhD
30060 AS6 Hypnotically Enhanced Addictions Treatment with a Special Focus on the Opioid Crisis Joseph Tramontana, PhD
30061 AS7 The Neuroscientific Basis of Hypnosis for Behavioral and Medical Conditions Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, and David Reid, PhD
30062 AS9 Hypnotic Ego Strengthening Scripts for a variety of Medical and Psychological Conditions Shirley McNeal, PhD, ABPP
30064 PL4 Plenary #4: Constant Pain: 'I Live with It'  Dabney Ewin, MD
30065 ASU2 Hypnosis and Your Second Brain: An Ecosystemic View of Health, Healing, and Hypnotically‐informed Interventions  David Alter, PhD
30066 ASU3 The Problem of Normal Dissociation in Chronic Pain: Integrating Hypnotic Utilization, Neuroplasticity, and the Psychophysiologic Pattern to Facilitate Patients Re‐Associate and Inhabit Their Bodies  Alfred Clavel Jr, MD and Mark Weisberg, PhD, ABPP
30067 ASU4 Enhancing Your Hypnotic Elegance: The Interplay of Rhythms, Spaces and Suggestions George Glaser, LCSW
30068 ASU5 The Art and Science of Ideomotor Signaling: History, Theory, Application Sherwin Yaffe, MD; Dabney Ewin, MD
30069 AS2 Hypnosis: A Path to Patient‐centered Care Daniele Lonchamp, MD, FAAP, FSAHM


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