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 20203 - Mercury, Glutathione and Alzheimers - Steven Fowkes $15.00   
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Mercury, Glutathione and Alzheimers
Steven Fowkes

The first domino in the Alzheimer's cascade is a loss of oxidation/reduction (redox) control in the brain. Glutathione is the primary cellular redox-active substance, and reduced glutathione can be considered the most foundational defining chemical characteristic of life within an oxidizing atmosphere. Glutathione recycling (the conversion of oxidized glutathione into reduced glutathione) is accomplished by cellular energy mechanisms that also drive ATP biosynthesis. These energy mechanisms are directly affected by dietary composition and food consumption. This presentation will identify the specific mechanisms of the earliest metabolic failures in Alzheimer's disease and connect these failures to hormone changes, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, food choices, eating patterns and dietary composition.

 Steven W. Fowkes’ background in organic chemistry along with his unique 3-D visualization skills have enabled him to envision a new means to create polymers that “self-assemble” with nanostructured precision.  This has led to the design and invention of a new general system for harnessing the power of organic chemistry for producing supramolecular nanostructures and to enable bottom-up manufacturing of novel materials and structural subassemblies.  This system potentially solves the major problem holding back the nanotechnology industry.  

Steve’s background in organic chemistry began at Reed College (BA 1975).  He subsequently applied this to understanding problems in multiple fields including biochemistry, metabolism, nutrition, neurochemistry and aging.  He was a founding principal in a nutrition company, Vitamin Research Products (1979), and managed their research, new product development, manufacturing, data processing and shipping departments until 1983. During that time, the company grew from three people to 22 people, with $2M in annual sales.

After leaving VRP, Steve became a writer, publisher, graphic artist and business software consultant.  Although his foray into writing magazine articles was brief, one of the two articles written won an award for best presentation of technical scientific material and was subsequently reprinted in the Social Issues Resources Series (SIRS) volume on Aging.  His writing interests then shifted to “closing the gap” between scientific discoveries and medical practice, which led to his writing and editing two technically oriented health newsletters.  His interest in aging and longevity has led to many newsletter articles on that subject, and appearances on television aging documentaries.

His expertise in translating technical topics for the public led to TV appearances on People are Talking, a San Francisco-based TV talk show and The Dr. Dean Edel Show, a nationally syndicated TV talk show.  Following this, he appeared in front of two million people on CNN’s Larry King Live.
To date, he has written five books and served as Editor, Technical Editor and Guest Editor on many more.  He is currently writing his sixth book.

He has done volunteer work for the HIV+ and Down’s syndrome communities.  In the latter capacity, he helped formulate Nutrivene-D, a dietary supplement specifically designed for correcting metabolic imbalances caused by overexpression of the 21st chromosome.  

In 1992, he founded and directed the Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute, which he continues to direct on a part-time basis.  His groundbreaking presentation, Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease, is now available on YouTube..


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