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 22810 - 2014 Center for Mindfulness International Scientific Conference - Full Conference $299.00   
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Full Conference on DVD-ROM or USB Flash Drive

All sessions from the 2014 Center for Mindfulness International Scientific Conference, including all keynotes, the Kluge Research Symposium, and all Presentation Dialogues and Research forums - more than 75 presentations for one low price.

Watch the conference sessions slides while listening to the synchronized audio, captured LIVE during the conference. Plus, also included is a bonus set of MP3 audio files of every session - Listen on your computer or fill your iPod or favorite MP3 player with all the audio from every session.

Get this package shipped to you on DVD-ROM or on a USB Flash Drive

Includes all of these sessions from the conference:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014  
Full Day Pre-Conference Workshops  
Offering Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Military Veterans Vanessa Meade, MSW, LCSW;
Lee Klinger Lesser, MS
The Heart of Inquiry: Praxis and Exploration Lynn Koerbel, MPH; Paul Galvin, PhD
Half Day Pre-Conference Workshops  
School-based yoga and mindfulness curriculum: accessible, sustainable and far-reaching Lisa Flynn, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, RCYT;
Louise Janelle, M.Ed; Marina Ebert, MA
What Really Matters In Mindfulness Programs for Teens: Key Elements That Engage, Energize and Inspire Teens to Practice Mindful Awareness Heidi Bornstein; Stephen Chadwick
Thursday, April 3, 2014  
Full Day Workshop - includes Video of Presenter  
John and Tussi Kluge Research Symposium on Mindfulness Amishi Jha, PhD; Judson Brewer, MD, PhD;
Helen Weng, MS; Gaelle Desbordes, PhD;
David Vago, PhD
Keynote - includes Video of Presenter  
Keynote: The Brain on Stress: Importance of the Social
Environment for Brain and Body Health
Bruce S. McEwen, PhD
Friday, April 4, 2014  
1 Hour Break-out Sessions  
Developing Mature Meditation Practice in Secular Contexts Bill Gayner, BSW, MSW, RSW;
Steven Selchen, MD, MSt, FRCPC
Inward Bound Mindfulness Education’s (iBme):
Teen Retreat Program
Willoughby Britton, PhD; Jessica Morey, MA
1 Hour Break-out Sessions  
Integrating Chi Gong into the MBSR Curriculum Steve Flowers, MTF
Longitudinal Changes in Cortisol Associated with a Brief
Mindfulness Intervention among Veterans with PTSD
Dessa Bergen-Cico, PhD; Wilfred Pigeon, PhD;
Kyle Posematto, PhD; Scot Treatman, DO, MPH
Mindfulness training versus sleep hygiene for insomnia
symptoms in older adults:
A randomized controlled comparison trial
David Black, PhD, MPH
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention:
One-Year Outcomes following a Randomized Trial
Sarah Bowen, PhD; Katie Witkiewitz, PhD
Teaching Mindfulness in the Warfighter’s Room Margaret Cullen, MA, MFT, Certified MBSR
Developing a Mindfulness Program for Students, Faculty,
and Parents at a K-12 School
Alex Peavey, BA Psychology (UVA), MS Sports Leadership (VCU), MEd Counselor Education (VCU)
Experiences with MBSR at a university hospital:
A report from the establishment of an MBSR research
clinic and professional training institute
Lone Fjorback, PhD; Jacob Piet, PhD;
Karen Johanne Pallesen, PhD
Targeting Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Misuse with Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE):
Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Eric Garland, PhD, LCSW
The eCALM Trial: eTherapy for Cancer AppLying Mindfulness Online mindfulness-based cancer recovery program for underserved people living with cancer in Alberta: feasibility and trial results Kristin Zernicke, MA; Steve Flowers, MTF;
Michael Speca
MBCT for recurrent depression: comparing the effectiveness of MBCT, antidepressant medication (ADM) and the combination of these interventions Marloes Huijbers; Anne Speckens, MD, PhD
The Prevalence of Mindfulness Practices in the U.S. Workforce: 2002-2012 David Lee, PhD; Christina Fernandez, MS;
Henry Olano
Mindfulness-Based Treatments for Chronic Insomnia:
Concepts and Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Jason Ong, PhD
Keynotes - includes Video of Presenter  
Keynote: The Aikido of Death - Reflections on a journey into
compassion and suffering in South Africa through the lens
of mindfulness
Patricia Luck
Keynote: Self-Compassion, Psychological Wellbeing, and the Relief of Suffering Kristin Neff, PhD
1 Hour Break-out Sessions  
Ethics, obstacles and commodification in mindfulness practice, training and science Paul Grossman, PhD
Teaching Mindfulness-based Training in High-Stress Contexts with Sensitivity for the Autonomic Nervous System Elizabeth Stanley, PhD, MBA, SEP
What it is the Evidence that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Is Helpful for Patients with Chronic Pain? John Schorling; Matthew Goodman;
Blake Garmon
The effect of mindfulness-based therapy for cancer patients -
The most recent meta-analysis
Jacob Piet, PhD
Mindfulness Training In Parkinson’s disease: Clinical outcomes and structural imaging correlates Barbara Pickut MD, MPH
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school based mindfulness program for 3rd-6th grade student Svea Hall, MS, OTR/L; Fiona Jensen, BS, OTR/L;
Adria Kennedy
Promoting Attachment-Related Mindfulness and Compassion: A Wait-List Controlled Study of Women Who Were Mistreated during Childhood Jon Caldwell, DO, PhD
Entrusted to You (includes video of presenter) Saki F. Santorelli, EdD, MA
Saturday, April 5, 2014  
Keynotes - includes Video of Presenter  
Keynote: Self-compassion Willem Kuyken, PhD
Keynote: The clinician and the suffering patient Eric Cassell, MD
Half Day Workshops  
The Mindful Salon: Exploring the Big Questions through Inquiry into Eudaimonia (Human Flourishing) Michael Krasner MD;
Patricia Luck MBChB, MPhil Pall Med
A Foot in Each Stream: Teaching Self-Compassion Implicitly and Explicitly in MBSR and MSC Steven Hickman, PsyD
1 Hour Break-out Sessions  
The Meditating Effects of Mindfulness on Trait Anxiety Dessa Bergen-Cico, PhD
Mindfulness-Based Resiliency Training (MBRT): Preliminary Outcomes of a Program for Law Enforcement Personnel Michael Christopher, PhD;
Brant Rogers, MS, RYT; Lt. Richard Goerling
Meditation and Menopausal Hot Flashes Susan Cohen, PhD
Integrative Medicine Group Visits: A Patient-Centered Approach to Reducing Chronic Pain and Depression in a Disparate Urban Population Paula Gardiner MD MPH;
Katherine Gergen Barnett; Danielle Dresner
Mindfulness and the Making of Meaning in a Medical Humanities Core Program in Undergraduate Medical Education Chan Li Chong
Mindfulness: Mental and physical well-being in a military community Col. Michael Brumage
Mindfulness with Aloha among Mixed-Ethnic/Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander Incarcerated Youth
Thao Le, PhD, MPH; Jeffrey Proulx, MA;
Sreang Heak, PhD
Mindfulness as a Transtherapeutic Approach to Transdiagnostic Mental Processes Eric Garland, PhD, LCSW; David Black, PhD, MPH; Jeffrey Greeson, PhD, MS
“Where’s the Breath?“ A Qualitative Investigation Comparing the Experience of Focusing on the Nose versus the Belly During Breath Awareness Meditation Catherine Kerr; Juan Santoy; Harold Roth
Sunday, April 6, 2014  
Full Day Post-Conference Workshops  
Mindfulness as an Intervention for Police Officer Wellness and Performance: Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) Brant Rogers, MS, RYT; Lt. Richard Goerling, MBA, Police Lieutenant;
Michael Christopher, PhD
Within Every Body: Teaching and Adapting Mindful Yoga
(audio only, no slides)
Kate Mitcheom,CNM, MSN, RYT, EMP;
Lucia McBee, LCSW, MPH, CYI;
Patricia Bloom, MD, RYT
The Three Refuges, and The Four Immeasureables; an Exploration of these Essential Buddhist teachings; how they inform and support the MBSR Curriculum in the Modern World Beth Mulligan, PA-C; Hugh O’Neill
Eat for Life: Learning to Savor Your Food, Respect Your Body, and Love Your Life Lynn Rossy, PhD
Half Day Post-Conference Workshops  
Mindfulness at Work: Strategies from the Field, Part 1 Jeremy Hunter, PhD; Tara Healey, M.Ed;
Chris Lyddy, MCP
Mindfulness at Work: Strategies from the Field, Part 2 Moira Garvey, MS; Nancy Glynn, MBA;
Andy Lee, MA
Closing Remarks Saki F. Santorelli, EdD, MA


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