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 26201 - Blood Flow and Cardiovascular Disease: A New Perspective $18.00   
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Presenter: Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

Cardiovascular disease is often portrayed as a passive system whereby excess fat and cholesterol in the blood accumulates like sludge in the arteries supplying the heart, eventually becoming so thick that they impede blood flow. The truth is the exact opposite: cholesterol is actively accumulated in atherosclerotic regions in order to assure adequate blood flow through the capillaries supplying the heart. Rather than a cholesterol excess problem, cardiovascular disease is a cholesterol sulfate deficiency problem. Sulfate is normally attached to sugar chains in the capillary walls, and is essential there for maintaining the water in the blood in a healthy state and for promoting smooth transit of red blood cells through the capillaries. Red blood cells also maintain their negative charge through their own supply of cholesterol sulfate, and this creates an electromagnetic field that promotes blood flow. When supplies run low, there is danger of a no-flow situation, and the plaque can rescue the heart from catastrophe in an emergency situation. Ironically, a heart attack itself can improve the vascular flow by renewing sulfate supplies from stored taurine. In this talk, Dr. Seneff will present her latest understanding of the science behind cardiovascular health and disease.


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