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 26823 - Helping Patients/Clients Prepare for Procedures and Surgery $16.00   
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Format: Audio MP3 file download $16 - Compact Disc $20

Presenter: Holly Forester-Miller, PhD

This presentation is designed to provide participants with How to skills for helping to prepare clients/patients for surgery and other medical procedures. Whether one is a doctor, nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, or mental health practitioner there are many areas in which we can use hypnosis as an integrative approach to help individuals? prior to procedures. A brief overview of the current research on hypnosis for surgically/procedural related issues will be given. The main focus however will be on understanding the various areas where we can help clients and developing techniques to take back to the office with you. The presenter will address clients? concerns such as: psychological wellbeing, pain control, bleeding control, postoperative healing, postoperative comfort, dealing with the individual?s and operation specific issues, side effects of anesthesia, and post-operative recovery issues. A brief clip of a video of the presenter having surgery with no anesthesia and no measurable blood loss will be shown. In addition to discussing the suggestions and approaches used in working with individuals, the presenter will lead exercises for participants to enhance their skills. Case studies will be discussed.


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