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Get the Full Conference on DVD-ROM or USB Flash Drive including all permitted sessions slides with synchronized audio. Watch the slides while listening to the synchronized audio. PLUS Bonus MP3 files

Or choose from individual sessions below.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 134 products) Click titles for product details Pages:  1  2  3  [Next >>] 
 Product Name   Price+    
23601 - New Attendee Welcome and Orientation 
23603 - The Sephardic Diaspora in Poland: Dusting Off the Traces 
23604 - Jewish Genealogy Research Essentials Part 1 
23605 - Crypto Jews 
23606 - The Shoah victims' names database - simple expansion or radical change? 
23607 - Beyond Vital Records 
23608 - Jewish Genealogy--How to Start, Where to Look, What's Available 
23609 - The 1918-19 Cohen and Morgenthau Missions to Poland to Investigate Pogroms Against Jews 
23610 - Insider's Guide to the Family History Library 
23611 - Jewish Surnames 
23612 - Jewish Genealogy Research Essentials Part 2 
23613 - Using the FamilySearch.org website for Jewish research 
23614 - Search Tips & Tricks on Ancestry.com 
23615 - Keynote Address 
23616 - The Jews who left Spain and their genealogy 
23617 - The War That Spelled The End To Galicia 
23618 - Finding Living People on the Internet 
23620 - Warsaw of our ancestors. The Jewish Historical Institute and your research 
23621 - A Password to the Past 
23622 - JRI-Poland Records from Galicia and Congress Poland -- and Searching for Digital Images 
23623 - Military Records on Ancestry.com 
23624 - Questions and Answers re "The Family" 
23625 - Italy and the Holocaust: Records at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
23626 - Using jewish-heritage-europe.eu – an online clearinghouse on Jewish heritage issues in 48 countries 
23627 - Galician & Polish Genealogical Records: A Survey of Unique and Unusual Archival Holdings 
23628 - Family Research in Romania's Jewish Cemeteries 
23629 - Jewish Immigration During World War I, Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War 1914 - 1920 
23630 - Family Tree Maker 
23631 - Using Pre-1826 Polish Parish Records in Jewish Genealogical Research 
23632 - Jewish Life in Bessarabia as it is Reflected in Bessarabian Newspapers, 1850-1930 
23633 - Treasures in Print: Finding and Using Historical Newspapers 
23634 - Sensitive Subjects: How Much to Reveal, How Much to Conceal 
23635 - 1914-1928 - Records of Jews living in Britain during World War I and Afterwards 
23636 - Legal and Practical Aspects of Archival Research in Galicia 
23637 - Computer Security and Privacy for the Genealogist 
23638 - The History of Genetic Genealogy 
23639 - Internet Collaboration: How Do We Share Our Family Trees Online? 
23640 - Jewish Records on Ancestry.com 
23642 - Early 20 c. visa files of Lwow-based foreign consulates; Polish passport police files genealogy resources. 
23643 - Crypto-Judaic Studies Panel, Part 1 
23644 - Sticking to the Union: Using Labor Union Documents for Genealogical Research 
23645 - The Tragic Irony of Joseph's Commitment to an Independent Post-World War I Latvia 
23646 - Kaunas Jews' Expulsion during World War I 
23647 - Crypto-Judaic Studies Panel, Part 2 
23648 - JOWBR & The Genealogical Value of Jewish Burial Records 
23649 - Magyar Zsidók on the Move: 2000+ Years of Jewish Migration Into, Through, and From Hungary 
23650 - Evaluating Evidence: Ask A mini-Minnie Question! 
23651 - Beyond the Manifest: Methods for Confirming One's Ancestral Origins 
23652 - Sephardic Jewish Community of Los Angeles 
23653 - From Family History to History: Bridging the gap using genealogy 
23654 - Tracing Jewish relatives in the UK after World War II 
23655 - Virtual Yizkor / Memorials Books - Creating Webpages Dedicated To Jewish Communities (Kehilot) 
23656 - What's new in Latvian genealogy? 
23657 - Jewish Genealogy Research in Romania 
23658 - Galician Jewish Refugees 1915-1919 and Their Gravestones in Western Bohemia 
23659 - From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present A search for Jewish Roots 
23660 - Malice, Murder, and Manipulation. A Genealogical Journey to Heritage Citizenship. 
23661 - GenealogyIndexer.org: Search Engine Updates and World War I Sources 
23662 - To Tell or Not to Tell: Should the Family Skeleton Stay in the Closet? 
23663 - Stanislawow: Interwar records at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
Displaying 1 to 60 (of 134 products) Pages:  1  2  3  [Next >>] 

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