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Displaying 61 to 120 (of 135 products) Click titles for product details Pages: [<< Prev]   1  2  3  [Next >>] 
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27346 - Computer Lab: Mapping your Shtetl. Practical course in Galician Cadaster 
27347 - Austria-Czech SIG: Life in Prague Judenstadt 1790-1910 - Genealogy and Local History 
27348 - Prepare for a Cemetery (search, photo and index) Trip 
27349 - From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present: A search for Jewish Roots 
27350 - What's New in Austrian and Czech Jewish Genealogy 
27351 - Sephardic Surnames Through the Millenia 
27352 - Synagogues of Galicia as Cultural Heritage 
27353 - Between Redwoods and the Bay: Historical Jewish community of Santa Cruz, California 
27355 - Beyond a Doubt: What We Know vs. What We Can Prove 
27356 - Expand and Support Your Genealogy Research with DNA Tools 
27357 - Family Kinship and Marriage Strategies: The Case of Jewish Oil Elites in Galicia 
27358 - Census Tales 1795 to Ship Manifest 1922: Your History Through Ukrainian Archives 
27359 - Litvakian Traders in Cross-Border Traffic ? an Example from 1838 
27360 - Following the Greek Orthodox to the Americas, Migrations of Sephardic Jews to Seattle 
27361 - Converso Genealogy Project; Tracking the Diaspora of the Iberian Forced Converts 
27362 - Sleepless in Seattle: My Cousin, the Gangster 
27363 - Sleepless in Seattle: Apple Does not Fall from the Tree 
27364 - Get Your Questions Answered by the German Research Experts 
27365 - HIAS, JDC and Other Immigrant Care Organizations 
27366 - Pioneers Jews of Leadville, Colorado, 1878-1914 
27367 - Working by the book (literally) in Sephardic research 
27368 - A Gentile in the Tribe: Using Christian Church Records 
27369 - Estrella, My Savante: On Shifting Languages and Landscapes 
27370 - Records About the Holocaust and the Sephardic Community 
27371 - Beyond the Manifest: Genealogical Proof Standard to Confirm One?s Ancestral Origins 
27372 - The DNA of the Jewish People 
27373 - Jewish History Resources in Lithuania State Historical Archives 
27374 - Resources for Jewish Genealogy in Chicagoland 
27375 - GER SIG Luncheon: The Three Cemeteries of the Breslau Jewish Community 
27376 - Jewish Portugal: The Past and the Present 
27377 - BCG Certification Workshop: Meeting Standards 
27378 - Crypto-Judaic Studies Panel 
27379 - Ancestral Towns May Not Have Been So Ancestral! 
27380 - Archival Resources on the Jewish Community of Breslau 1791-1941 
27381 - How To Improve Your Family Tree Using Collaborative Genealogy 
27382 - Tools for Building an Accurate Tree 
27384 - Game Show Night / Jewpardy 
27385 - Sleepless in Seattle: Open Mic Event: A "Two Genealogists Sat in A Bar" Production 
27386 - Jewish Last Wills. To the Minister Turkul a Thermometer in the Form of a Clock 
27387 - Jewish Migration Patterns ? Part 1 
27388 - Paleography, Indexing and Giving Back 
27389 - Gesher Galicia Website and All Galicia Database to Research Towns and Families 
27390 - Digital Resources at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
27391 - Different Traditions Even In Death: Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Tombstones 
27392 - German Jewish Genealogy: A Case Study 
27393 - Privacy and Genealogy: What Are The Rules? 
27394 - DNA Leads an Adopted Daughter to her Birth Mother: Kelly's Story 
27395 - The Ethical Genealogist 
27396 - The Wandering Yiddish Poet: Chaim Leib Fox 
27397 - Bessarabia SIG Luncheon: Bessarabian Maps from 18 century: from Military Topographic maps to town and shteitle maps 
27398 - LItvak SIG Luncheon: Jewish Genealogy Sources in Lithuania State Historical Archives 
27399 - From Scraps of Paper- a Sephardic-Mizrahi Archive 
27400 - Upgraded Names Database ? Enhanced Technical Capabilities in the Service of Memory 
27401 - Get Them to Say Yes: Reluctant Relatives, Cold Calls, & DNA Testing 
27402 - When, Why and Where from the Jews Arrived in Bessarabia/Moldova 
27403 - Visas for Life: Seven Refugees Journey to Safe Haven 
27404 - Jewish Migration Patterns ? Part 2 
27405 - Researching Your Litvak Roots -- with LitvakSIG and More 
27406 - Russian Empire Population Census 1897 as the Unique Jewish Genealogy Source 
27407 - Statistical Approach to Genetic Genealogy 
Displaying 61 to 120 (of 135 products) Pages: [<< Prev]   1  2  3  [Next >>] 

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