Take the conference home with the Complete Conference Audio Package on CD-ROM !
Complete 2012 ASCH 54th Annual Scientific Meeting & Workshops Package.
Live Presenter Audio of all sessions as MP3 files - PLUS all available PowerPoint Slides.
This interactive multimedia CD-ROM set features All sessions live audio from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 2012 Scientific Meeting and Workshops! Listen to the speaker audio MP3 Audio files to listen to on your computer iPod or MP3 player., exactly as is happened live. This package allows you to review presentation materials and is a lasting valuable resource. Plus this package also includes all available PowerPoint slides from the sessions.

Item |
Code |
Saturday, March 17, 2012 |
17961 |
P1 |
Plenary I - Tranceformation: Hypnosis in Brain and Body David Spiegel, MD |
17962 |
SA2 |
How and Why Does “Past Life Therapy” Work ? Paul Schenk, PsyD |
17963 |
SA3 |
Integrating Hypnosis into the Treatment of Chronic Daily Headache and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMJ): Unlocking the Secrets of Internal Self Mark Weisberg, PhD, ABPP and Al Clavel, Jr., MD |
17964 |
SA4 |
When Mind Meets Brain: Neuroscience Lessons for Enhancing Clinical Practice
David Alter, PhD, LP, ABPP, ABPH |
17965 |
SA5 |
Advanced Techniques in Medical & Psychological Hypnosis Max Shapiro, PhD |
17966 |
SA6 |
Advances in Dental Hypnosis for Dentists and Psychology Professionals
Gabor Filo, DDS, ABHD |
17967 |
SP2 |
Treating the Person with Dis-Ease Phil Appel, PhD and Steve Gurgevich, PhD |
17968 |
SP3 |
An Integrated Approach to Treating Panic Disorder Harriet Hollander, PhD |
17969 |
SP4 |
Hypnotic Verbalizations to Facilitate Change in Men and Women: Getting Unstuck to Move Towards Health Julie Linden, PhD and Consuelo Casula, PhD |
Item |
Code |
Sunday, March 18, 2012 |
17972 |
P2 |
Plenary II - From Nociception to Zen Meditation: The Experiential Neurophenomenology of Pain
Regulation Pierre Rainville, PhD |
17973 |
DA1 |
Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders Philip Shenefelt, MD, ABMH |
17974 |
DA2 |
Mindfulness-Based Hypnotherapy to Enhance Outcome Assen Alladin, PhD |
17975 |
DA3 |
The Traumatized Body: Using the Symptoms to Develop the Solutions Carol B. Low, PsyD |
17976 |
DA4 |
Minding the Gap: How Post Hypnotic Suggestion Maintains the World of Osteoarthritis - Taking
Steps to Dehypnotize the Body for Recovery and Restoration of Joint Function
Bernard Plansky, MD, FAAFP |
17977 |
DA5 |
The Meta-Structure of Clinical Hypnosis: from Ancient Philosophy and Meditative States, to Quantum
Consciousness Meanings, Techniques, and the Explanatory Gap
Consuelo Casula, PhD and Paola Brignoli, MD |
17978 |
DP1 |
Beyond the Basics: Creative Approaches in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Sharon Spiegel, PhD, ABPP; and Assen Alladin, PhD |
17979 |
DP2 |
Hypnotic Deepening: Navigating Rhythms of the Body-Mind George P. Glaser, MSW, DAHBCSW |
17980 |
DP3 |
Master Class: Ideomotor Signals Bruce Eimer, PhD |
17981 |
DP4 |
The Integration of Hypnosis into the Total Care and Treatment of Cancer Patients
Holly Forester-Miller, PhD, LPC and Charles Srodes, MD, ABMH |
17982 |
DP5 |
Reversing Rogue Trances: The Dehypnosis of the Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, and Befuddled
Richard P. Kluft, MD, PhD |
17983 |
DP6 |
Precision Cognitive Therapy: integrating neuroscience, hypnosis and deep structure cognitive/behavioral therapy James Straub, EdD and Vicki Straub, PhD, MBA |
17984 |
DP7 |
Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis Training for Enhancing Peak Performance in Sports and Life
Joseph Tramontana, PhD and Mitch Smith, LCSW, MSW, DAHB |
17985 |
DP8 |
Trance & Trauma: Hypnotic Interventions in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Michael S. McGee, LPC, MS |
17986 |
DP9 |
Tailoring Hypnotic Interventions to Your Client’s Hypnotic Talents Ronald Pekala, PhD |
Item |
Code |
Monday, March 19, 2012 |
17987 |
YM1 |
The Healthy House - A Novel Pediatric Obesity Prevention and Treatment Program
H. Vondell Clark, MD, MPH |
17988 |
YM2 |
Recent Findings for Understanding and Enhancing the Effects of Hypnotic Analgesia and Increasing Hypnosis Funding and Clinical Outcome Research
David Patterson, PhD, ABPH and Mark Jensen, PhD |
17989 |
YM3 |
Report From CAPS @ RIT: Transforming Health and Care Laurence Sugarman, MD, ABMH |
17990 |
YM4 |
Integrating Perspective from The Cognitive Neurosciences To Enhance The Clinical Practice Of Hypnosis Christopher K. Coslett, DC |
17991 |
YM5 |
Using Hypnosis or Biofeedback to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain Presented by Tenley Fukui, MA; pilot study by Tenley Fukui, MA; Gabriel Tan, PhD; Diana Rintala, PhD; Mark Jensen, PhD; Donna Smith MA; and Andrew Robinson, MA. |
17992 |
YM6 |
The Advantages and Limitations of Standardized Clinical Hypnosis Treatment: When, why and
how to develop and use scripted treatment protocols Olafur Palsson, PsyD |
17993 |
M2 |
Hypnosis for Weight Loss & Lasting Success: The Patient’s Experience of Avoiding the
“Adipose Complex” Tom Barr, PhD |
17995 |
M4 |
Future Focused Therapy Moshe Torem MD, ABPN |
17996 |
M5 |
Master Class: Pain Management David Patterson, PhD, ABPH and Mark Jensen, PhD |
17997 |
P3 |
Plenary III - An Integrated Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome Douglas Drossman, MD |
Item |
Code |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 |
17998 |
P4 |
Plenary IV - Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Clinical Guideline and Updates Stevens Smith, PhD |
17999 |
T2 |
Designing Hypnotherapy Studies on the Brain-Body Interface: IBS as Model Illness
Douglas Drossman, MD; Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD; and Olafur Palsson, PsyD |
18000 |
T3 |
Master Class: Alert Hypnosis David Wark, PhD, ABPH |
18001 |
T4 |
Metaphorical Approaches for Changing Habits Linda Thomson, MSN, APRN, ABMH |
18002 |
T5 |
The Language of Comfort: Hypnotic Strategies in Palliative Care
Sylvain Neron, PhD and Daniel Handel, MD |