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 20936 - Latest Research in Clinical Hypnosis $12.00   
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Presenter: Michael L. Tracy, PhD & Jeremy Voyles, MS, EdS; Jonathan M. Cleveland, MS; Steven N. Gold, PhD; & Brandon Korman, PsyD

Effect of Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) On the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC)
Michael L. Tracy, PhD & Jeremy Voyles, MS, EdS

This presentation reports on a series of case studies to evidence the effects of successful hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) on the size and function of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The probability of a relationship between IBS and brain function is supported by several known factors. The pain associated with IBS disappears during sleep time. IBS patients have different sleep patterns than healthy subjects. The Central Nervous System (CNS) response to pain in a person who has IBS is different from that in a person who does not have IBS. These data support a psychological approach to the treatment of IBS. The controlled studies of Palsson et al. (2002) and Whorwell (1987) support the effectiveness of hypnosis as a treatment for IBS. Pre-and poststructural and functional MRI imaging of the ACC in participants provides statistically significant evidence of this relationship. The positive correlation in the relationship between IBS and the ACC suggests a possible reconceptualization of traditional views of psychotherapy in understanding and alleviating chronic pain.

During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Recognize significant empirical support for the North Carolina protocol for the treatment of IBS;
-> Recognize the validity and reliability of behavioral instruments that provide empirical support for the North Carolina protocol for the treatment of IBS;
-> Understand the need to demonstrate the effects in the brain associated with the effective treatment of IBS using North Carolina protocol;
-> Understand the study consists of case studies employing the North Carolina protocol preceded by MRI brain scans pre-and post- treatment;
-> Understand the clinical and statistical significance of the change in all the case studies;
-> Understand the limitations in the methodology; and
-> Possess a consideration of the theoretical foundations.

Hypnotic Susceptibility and State Dissociation
Jonathan M. Cleveland, MS; Steven N. Gold, PhD; & Brandon Korman, PsyD

The debate concerning whether hypnosis and dissociation constitute related or distinct
phenomena has been protracted, with steadfast theorists and researchers in both camps. The bulk of recent research would seem to refute any relationship between the two constructs. Such studies notably employ instruments of dissociation that are measures of trait dissociation. These instruments are generally constructed under the assumption that dissociation is inherently and necessarily pathological. Our presentation will serve to illustrate the course of the historical debate, culminating in a discussion of how new research, including our original findings, suggest that certain components of non-pathological state dissociation may be related to hypnotic susceptibility. In particular, the results of our recently completed study (n=105), including correlations between dimensions of the Phenomenology of Consciousness Index and changing scores on subscales of the State Scale of Dissociation following hypnotic induction will be explored.

During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Evaluate historical claims that dissociation and hypnosis are unrelated;
-> Differentiate state dissociation from trait dissociation, considering measures of each, and challenging the notion that dissociation is inherently pathological; and
-> Discuss an original empirical study conducted by the current presenters demonstrating the relationship between dimensions of a measure of hypnosis (Phenomenology of Consciousness Index) and subscales of the State Scale of Dissociation.


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