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 26491 - Understanding Metal Roofing: Part II $28.00   
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Presenter: Rob Haddock

This course is an advanced building block for the metal roofing essentials covered in earlier Overview Part I. This extended course will cover the coil coating process, common and popular Steep Slope construction and critical details of low slope installation, in addition to curved applications and wind issues. Finally, the program delves into system design, drainage principles and system selection criteria including the principals of water-shedding and hydrostatic designs. Attendees will gain insights into trade terms and industry reference sources. About 70% of the course is devoted to principals of design, fabrication, thermal response, and other topics that are applicable to any metal roof in any application; the other 30% is divided equally between steep and low slope material.

1. Identify types, components, weathering behavior, warranty coverage and failure modes of organic coating (paint) systems and how they relate to sustainability of metal panel systems.

2. Discuss principals of thermal response, design and construction detailing principals to preserve system integrity with respect to thermal cycling and rooftop ancillaries.

3. Evaluate joint design, waterproofing and construction detailing for both hydrostatic and hydrokinetic joint types.

4. Identify principals of system attachment as it relates to wind testing, up-lift resistance and thermal response.

5. Recognize how to avoid the common pitfalls of both steep and low slope metal roofing.


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