Available in 4 formats:
Audio MP3 - Download: $15
Audio Compact Disc: $15
Video of PowerPoints with Synchronized Audio - Download: $18
Video DVD: $20
Duration: 1 hr 20 min Video Includes Video of the presenter

Whole Food Politics
I will summarize contemporary political developments relevant to the surging demand for whole, natural and minimally processed foods and discuss the relationship between consumer demand, political activism and decision making in Washington, DC.
Mark Keating has worked in organic, sustainable and local agriculture for more than two decades as a farm laborer, extension agent, activist, educator, journalist and USDA staff member. He received a B.A. in History from Yale University and an M.S. in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development from the University of Wisconsin. He is currently a contributing writer for Acres USA and lives with his wife and daughter in Kentucky Bluegrass country. The family became WAP Foundation members in 2000 and have maintained a nutrient dense diet ever since.