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 20206 - Turning Sunshine into Online Solar Dollars - John Wood $15.00   
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Turning Sunshine into Online Solar Dollars
John Wood

The US Wellness Beef business model is good for the land, livestock, rural entrepreneurs, rural community and most importantly our consumers. Sunlight, rainfall and soil provide the essentials for green plant growth. Livestock are the tool that harvests the grass and converts it to high quality food and fiber. US Wellness Meats provides the management to connect the retail packages to U.S. consumers in a seamless solar dollar chain.

John Wood is a life long resident of Lewis County Missouri.  Following a Farm Operations B.S. degree at Iowa State University in 1975, John returned back to a 5th generation family farm and was involved in day to day management of conventional Northeast Missouri family farm from 1975 to 2000.

John married in 1983 and added two daughters and a son into the rural community.  All have prospered on a stubborn work ethic that has preserved the rural way of life for centuries.

In February, 2000, John and 3 partners created a pasture to consumer online grass-fed meat business creating solar dollars on a farm near Canton, Missouri.  Grassland Beef, LLC d.b.a. U.S. Wellness Meats was organized officially on September 1, 2000.  Marketing commenced on November 7, 2000, and continues today nation wide and into several foreign countries.  Grass-fed beef, lamb, butter, cheese, bison, free range poultry, compassion raised pork, organic snacks, wild caught seafood, raw honey and gourmet rabbit compose the core business model.  U.S. Wellness Meats have been featured by restaurant chefs, doctors, trainers, authors and the likes of Fox News in recent years.

During the past 37 years, leadership positions were held with Lewis County Extension, Lewis County Farm Bureau, Missouri Young Farmers, 3 year stint on the Missouri Soil and Water Commission during the mid 1990’s, and founding member & chairman of Missouri Wind Resources, LLC.

It is exciting to be in an industry that supports animal agriculture, treats animals with respect, entry position for young farmers with low overhead, good for the land & plant community, good for the rural community and improves health and wellness for our consumers.


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