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 20214 - How to Fix a Broken Brain - Pam Killeen $30.00   
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How to Fix a Broken Brain
Pam Killeen

Are you in a bad mood? Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction, fatigue, sleep disorders, ADHD, ADD, autism, poor memory, dementia, personality disorders or other problems associated with the brain? Mental disorders are already crippling society. Tragically, the number of individuals struggling with mood problems is expected to increase. Join Pam Killeen to learn about the nutritional deficiencies that contribute to mental disorders. Based upon the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, she will also explain which foods and nutrients found in traditional foods best support a healthy brain.

Pam Killeen is the author of Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic and co-author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax. She has been independently studying nutrition and natural health for over twenty years. Her interest in nutrition and natural health stems from overcoming a lengthy battle with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities. As a nutritional consultant, she offers her clients a very comprehensive program which focuses on restoring one's biochemical imbalances. She is also a dynamic and diverse public speaker and radio personality.


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