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 17553 - The Perfect Health Diet - Paul Jaminet $30.00   
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Duration: 3 hrs 34 min

The Perfect Health Diet
Paul Jaminet

Paul Jaminet, PhD: The Recipe for Human Health:  Why Diet and Nutrition are the Key to Health and the Best Therapy for Disease
Science has taken many wrong turns in thinking about diet and health. Twentieth century science endorsed industrial foods and pharmaceutical approaches to therapy that have largely failed. However, a new scientific synthesis is emerging that suggests that diet, nutrition, and infections are the key factors affecting human health and pointing toward traditional diets, developed originally during the Paleolithic, as effective therapies for many human diseases.

The session will be divided into two parts. In Part I, Paul will discuss the recipe for a healthy human: what are the foods and nutrients that a diet ought to contain, and the foods and toxins that should be avoided, to optimize human health. In Part 2, Paul will discuss how dietary and lifestyle practices can eliminate the primary causes of disease, enhance immunity, and, along with antimicrobial medicines, cure or prevent most diseases.

Paul Jaminet, PhD
After a career as an astrophysicist at MIT, Berkeley, and Harvard, Paul became a software entrepreneur and then, after developing a chronic disease, devoted his energies to learning about health. Paul and his wife Shou-Ching, a research scientist at Harvard Medical School, began studying diet and nutrition in hopes of finding help for his illness. After years of work, this proved successful – diet, nutrition, and antibiotics cured his disease. Paul and Shou-Ching proceeded to write a book, Perfect Health Diet: Four Steps to Renewed Health, Youthful Vitality, and Long Life, that explains the dietary tactics that optimize health and prevent disease, and blog at www.perfecthealthdiet.com. Although Paul and Shou-Ching developed the Perfect Health Diet through study of the scientific literature, they found that their ideal diet is almost identical to traditional diets of the Pacific region – diets noted for producing long life and good health. Paul and Shou-Ching believe that diet and nutrition will prove to be the most effective therapies for most diseases, and that traditional diets have much to teach us.


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