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 Legal Issues and Food Rights - Wise Traditions Collections $49.00   
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Presentations recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences. Includes audio, slides, and videos on a USB flash drive - play MP4 video files on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Includes the presentations live audio synchronized with PowerPoint slides recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences! Some sessions also include video of the presenter.

Watch and listen to the leading experts in the Weston A. Price philosophy of achieving optimal heal through proper nutrition.


The Food Rights Struggle
Kimberly Hartke
Format: Audio & Slides

Publicist Kimberly Hartke describes the important role of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund in defending your rights to healthy food. Past and recent legal cases and farmers’ personal stories will be highlighted.

Raw Milk Legal Updates for Canada and the U.S.
Karen Selick, LL.B and Pete Kennedy, Esq.
Format: Video & Slides

Summary of legislation, court cases and other developments in the past year affecting raw milk access for consumers.

RAWMI Progress and Lessons from the Listed

Mark McAfee
Format: Video & Slides

RAWMI food safety success; creating a bright and safe future for raw milk.

The PHO Public Health Disaster – the Complete Story

Dr. Gerald McNeill, PhD
Format: Video & Slides

About 50 years ago, a glut of soybean in the U.S. lead to the introduction of a new chemical process: “partially hydrogenated oils” (PHO). The process converts liquid oils into semi-solid shortenings that have the same texture as butter and other animal fats. The process is extremely versatile and many new textures were created, displacing butter and leading to a golden age in the baking and snack food industries. Eventually, nutrition science discovered that the main fat in PHO, trans fat, was ten times worse than saturated fat. On June 18th 2015 the FDA announced that PHO were no longer GRAS (generally recognized as safe). This presentation will discuss the events leading to the adoption of PHO, to a major decline in public health and finally a recovery with the elimination of trans fat from the food supply.

Vaccine Politics and Your Legal Rights
Alan Phillips, JD
Format: Video & Slides

Alan will discuss the history of infectious disease mortality decline in relation to vaccines; documented problems in the medical publishing industry, federal health agencies, and pharmaceutical industry; the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (VAERS and the NVICP); U.S. vaccine exemption and waiver rights in over a dozen different categories and sub-categories including how to legally avoid vaccines required for birth, daycare, school, college, work, military, immigration, international travel, declared emergencies, etc.; contemporary vaccine legislative issues; and resources for more information concerning your legal right to refuse mandatory immunizations.

Media: Pushing the Vaccine Agenda
Del Bigtree
Format: Video & Slides

Del Bigtree who has worked closely with Dr. Andrew Wakefield will explain Wakefield’s research into the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. In 1995, an academic physician working in a London teaching hospital, Dr. Andrew Wakefield was contacted by the parent of an autistic child with stomach issues. He soon learned from several other parents of children with autistic behaviors, that their children’s regressive behavior immediately followed an MMR vaccine. He started investigating a possible role between gastrointestinal issues, the MMR vaccine, and neurological injury in children. In pursuit of this possible link, Dr. Wakefield participated in an initial study of twelve children with both stomach and developmental issues. The ensuing report, written with twelve other authors would catapult Wakefield into becoming one of the most controversial figures in the history of medicine.


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