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 31403 - Fluoride Can Damage the Brain and Has the Potential to Lower the Intelligence of Children $18.00   
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Presenter: Paul and Ellen Connett

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

The talk will summarize the evidence of fluoride?s neurotoxicity. There have been over 300 cellular, animal and human epidemiological studies that indicate that fluoride can damage the brain. This includes fifty studies that have found an association between lowered IQ and exposure to fluoride conducted in several countries (China, India, Iran and Mexico). We will give details of some of these studies and in particular the latest study published in 2017 by Bashash et al. This is the most rigorous to date and was funded by U.S. government agencies (NIH, EPA and NIEHS). They found that the most critical period of exposure was during pregnancy. They found a strong association between the mother?s exposure to fluoride (as measured by levels in their urine) and lowered IQ in their children ? as measured at 4 years of age and again between 6 and 12-years. Even though this rigorous study was funded by U.S. government agencies they are doing nothing to warn pregnant women to avoid fluoride. We will also give details of the lawsuit our group with others have taken out against the U.S. EPA calling upon them to end the deliberate addition of fluoride to drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substance and Control Act (TSCA).


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