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 17543 - Broth-Based Soups and Stews - Jessica Prentice $15.00   
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Duration: 1 hrs 30 min

Broth-Based Soups and Stews
Jessica Prentice

Jessica Prentice: The Beauty of Broth
Learn the essentials for making mineral-rich broths and delicious broth-based soups and stews. Home-scale, commercial-scale, and community-scale approaches will be covered, including sourcing, techniques, equipment, and basic recipes--as well as photos and first-hand experiences from Three Stone Hearth Community Supported Kitchen in Berkeley.

Jessica Prentice is a professional chef, author, local foods activist, and social entrepreneur. Her first book, Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection, was released by Chelsea Green Publishing in 2006. Prentice is a co-creator of the Local Foods Wheel, and coined the word "locavore." Jessica is also a co-founder of Three Stone Hearth (www.threestonehearth.com), a Community Supported Kitchen in Berkeley that uses local, sustainable ingredients to prepare nutrient-dense, traditional foods on a community scale. She lives, works, and writes in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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