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 29661 - Nourishing Traditional Diets - Characteristics of Healthy Diets, Know Your Fats, How to Change Your Diet for the Better $55.00   
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Presenter: Sally Fallon Morell, MA

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

Animal fats, properly prepared whole grains, enzyme-enriched foods and nourishing bone broths kept our ancestors healthy. Sally Fallon Morell, author of Nourishing Traditions, explains why these are vital factors for maintaining good health today. Beginning with a presentation of Dr. Weston Price's unforgettable photographs of healthy traditional peoples, Ms. Fallon Morell explains the underlying factors in a variety of traditional diets, which conferred beauty, strength and complete freedom from disease on so-called primitive populations. Then she presents a step-by-step plan to put nourishing traditional foods that your family will actually eat back into your diet, including easy breakfast cereals, soups, sauces, snack foods, high-enzyme condiments and soft drinks that are actually good for you.

Learn about:
Butter, the number one health food;
The vital role of high-cholesterol foods;
Why lowfat and vegan diets don’t work;
The amazing powers of raw whole milk from pasture-fed cows;
The dangers of modern soy foods and soy infant formula;
The conspiracy to promote vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats;
Foods that help babies grow up smart and strong;
Old-fashioned foods that give limitless energy and vibrant health; and,
The unfortunate consequences of modern farming methods.
This seminar is highly recommended for both laymen and health professionals new to the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation and makes an excellent introduction to the main conference speakers.

Part I: Introduction to the work of Dr. Price and discussion of the underlying characteristics of healthy traditional diets.

Part II: Fats and oils in traditional diets. Learn about the basics of lipid biochemistry and how to choose good fats and avoid the bad.

Part III: How to change your diet for the better.


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