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 Trending Topics - Wise Traditions Collections $59.00   
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Presentations recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences. Includes audio and slides on a USB flash drive - play video files on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Includes the presentations live audio synchronized with PowerPoint slides recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences!

Watch and listen to the leading experts in the Weston A. Price philosophy of achieving optimal heal through proper nutrition.


Holistic Cancer Therapy Part 1, 2 & 3
presenter: Nicholas Gonzalez, MD | format: MP3 audio | runtime 333 minutes

Traditional Food Preparation: Food Preservation
presenter: Maureen Diaz | format: MP3 audio | runtime 78 minutes

Nutrition and Mental Health
presenter: Nora Gedgaudas, CNT/NTP, NANP | format:MP3 audio | runtime 77 minutes

Molecular Degeneration: The New Paradigm
presenter:Chris Masterjohn | format:MP3 audio | runtime 87 minutes

Cholesterol, Statins and the Brain
presenter: Stephanie Seneff, PhD | format: MP3 audio | runtime 71 minutes

Fat: An Endocrine Organ
presenter: Stephanie Seneff, PhD | format:MP3 audio | runtime 65 minutes

Thyroid -Adrenal-Lyme Connection
presenter: Bruce Rind, MD | format:MP3 audio | runtime 103 minutes

Gut & Psychology Syndrome
presenter: Natasha Campell-McBride,MD | format:MP4 video - slide & audio | runtime 285 minutes

Fat Myths
presenter: Chris Masterjohn | format:MP4 video - slide & camera | runtime 75 minutes

The China Study Myths
presenter: Danlae Minger | format:MP4 video - alide I. camera | runtime 75 minutes

The Perfect Health Diet
presenter: Paul Jaminet | format: MP4 video - slides & audio | runtime: 214 minutes


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