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 17967 - Treating the Person with Dis-Ease $25.00   
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Treating the Person with Dis-Ease

Phil Appel, PhD and Steve Gurgevich, PhDPhil Appel, PhD and Steve Gurgevich, PhD

This workshop focuses on applications of clinical hypnosis to treat patients with medical conditions and the sequelae of those conditions. Dr. Philip Appel has a hospital-based practice with special emphasis on physical medicine and rehabilitation. Dr. Steven Gurgevich is the Director of the Mind-Body Clinic at Dr. Andrew Weil's Center for Integrative Medicine. The presenters bring over 80 years of combined experience in using hypnosis to treat patients with medical conditions that they view and treat in a holistic fashion; seeing illness as a function of dis-ease within the consciousness of the individual. Consciousness is an energy pattern that manifests it self physically and when there is a lack of harmony in the being, a disruption in the flow of the energy then there is "dis-ease." This workshop uses case presentations, experiential exercises, demonstrations and specifically welcomes the participants to bring their own cases for consultation and have the presenters demonstrate alternative and creative hypnotic techniques that they may utilize in working with their patients and clients.


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