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 20751 - New England Grows 2013 Conference - All sessions on Compact Discs
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Audio recordings of the live presentations from the 2013 New England Grows Conference, Boston, MA Feb 6-8, 2013. All sessions on individual audio Compact Discs. Includes all recorded sessions.


Item Wednesday, February 6, 2013
20752 European Crane Flies & Other Emerging Turf Insects
Daniel C. Peck, Ph.D., Lead Scientist, Grass Systems Entomology, LLC, Geneva, NY 
20753 Everything Old is New Again: Great Flowering Landscape Shrubs
Vincent A. Simeone, Horticulturist, Garden Writer & Lecturer, Planting Fields, Oyster Bay, NY 
20754 Seeing Trees from the Inside Out: The Future of Decay Detection
R. Bruce Allison, Ph.D., President, Allison Tree Care, Inc., Verona, WI 
20755 Capitalizing on the New Cool: Selling to Younger Customers
Ian Doescher, Digital Marketing Specialist, The Pivot Group, Portland, OR 
20756 High-Consequence Insect Pests
Daniel Gilrein, Extension Entomologist, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, Riverhead, NY 
20757 Parks, Plants and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape
Lynden B. Miller, Principal, Lynden B. Miller Public Garden Design, New York, NY 
20758 Invasive Plants: The Importance of Having a Plan
Seth Wilkinson, MALD, President, Wilkinson Ecological Designs, Orleans, MA 
20759 New Perennials for the Northeast
Richard Hawke, Plant Evaluation Manager, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL 
20760 9/11 Memorial Trees: Meeting the Challenge
Wayne S. Dubin, Vice President/Division Manager, Bartlett Tree Experts, Denville, NJ 
Item Thursday, February 7, 2013
20761 Insecticides & Pollinators
Richard S. Cowles, Ph.D., Research Entomologist, The CT Agricultural Experiment Station, Windsor, CT 
20762 Flourish with Awesome Annuals
Bill Calkins, Business Manager/Independent Garden Centers, Ball Horticultural Co., West Chicago, IL 
20763 Large Bare Root Tree Planting & Transplanting
Jim Flott, President, Community Forestry Consultants, Inc., Spokane, WA 
20764 How to Master Social Media Lead Generation
Kipp Bodnar, Director of Marketing, HubSpot, Cambridge, MA 
20765 Lifestyles of Famous Landscape Weeds: The Top 10
Hannah Mathers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 
20766 Container Crazy…and Plants for Small-Space Gardens
Dan Heims, President, Terra Nova Nurseries, Canby, OR 
20767 Probiotics: A New Tool to Increase Yield, Improve Quality & Reduce Cost
Joe Magazzi, MS, Owner, Green Earth Agriculture, North Branford, CT 
20768 Global Climate Change: How Plants Respond
George Jacobson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Maine, Orono, ME 
20769 How to Prune & Renovate the Overgrown Landscape
Cass Turnbull, President, PlantAmnesty, Seattle, WA 
20770 It’s All in the Tag…From Production to Retail
Kip Creel, President, StandPoint, Inc., Atlanta, GA 
20778 The “Know Maintenance” Approach to Perennial Garden Design
Rob Diblik, Co-owner, Northwind Perennial Farm, Burlington, WI 
20779 Emerging Trends in Stormwater Management
Christopher Webb, PE, Principal, Chris Webb & Associates, Inc., Bellingham, WA 


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