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 20917 - Recent Developments in Cognitive Hypnotherapy $16.00   
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Presenter: Assen Alladin, PhD; Mark Jensen, PhD & Michael Yapko, PhD

This Symposium will review the recent developments in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (CH). In the past 20 years there have been some major developments in CH, including:
(1) Application of CH to a wide range of medical and psychological disorders;
(2) Clear specification of methodology and measurements to facilitate replicability;
(3) An increase in empirical validation, meta‐analyses, and reviews of CH;
(4) Movement toward conceptualizing CH as an integrative form of psychotherapy; and
(5) A surge in publication in the field culminating in the Special Issue on Cognitive Hypnotherapy: Twenty Years Later in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (2012, 54, 245‐364).

The Symposium will consist of three papers from three international experts in the field. Dr. Alladin will describe the movement toward the recognition of CH as an integrative model of psychotherapy and he will discuss the clinical and research implications of CH as an assimilative model of psychotherapy. Dr. Yapko will discuss the application of CH in the management of depression. Dr. Jensen will describe the application of CH in the field of medicine, particularly in the management of pain.

During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Review recent developments in cognitive hypnotherapy;
-> Describe application of cognitive hypnotherapy to depression; and
-> Describe application of cognitive hypnotherapy in pain management.


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