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Previous Product  Product 25 of 43  Next Product   From: Wise Traditions 2016, 17th Annual Conference

 28113 - Keynote: The ?Real? Food Politics $25.00   
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Presenter: Nina Teicholz

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Video & Slides

Food Politics for fifty years have been dominated by a small coterie of nutrition experts and their industry allies who together have steered America?s nutrition policy away from good science and towards a diet that has made Americans fat and sick. How did this diet, based on weak evidence and continuously contradicted by the findings from multiple clinical trials, persist for so many decades? Where were the critics? What institutional forces are at play? And now, in the face of overwhelming evidence that the lowfat diet has failed to combat obesity and diabetes, how does this same nutrition policy persist? Teicholz will discuss the politics, personalities, and players that created our nation?s failed nutrition policy as well as those that keep it in place today.


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