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Previous Product  Product 56 of 63  Next Product   From: Yankee Dental Congress 2017

 28396 - What Is Your Gut Saying About Your Health? $25.00   
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Presenter: Pamela Smith, RD, LDN

Format: Audio - MP3 File Download $25 or Compact Disc $45

One of the fastest growing new frontiers in medicine is the microbiome, the microbes living in and on your body, and the complex system in which they function. The latest research shows your gut microbiome has a profound connection to a number of diseases and issues facing humans today. Such diseases include diabetes, Crohn's Disease, obesity, asthma, allergies, and other autoimmune diseases, including oral health. While science has long believed these bugs played a role in our overall health, it's becoming increasingly clear that the gut may be the body's epicenter for health and wellness. This course will break down the data for what is known about the bugs living in us and how to feed them and provide the optimal environment for living well, today and tomorrow!


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