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 16454 - Emotional Regulation Skills Training: Working with the Child Who Explodes $25.00   
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Emotional Regulation Skills Training: Working with the Child Who Explodes
Cheryl Beighle MD; Elizabeth Dolgos, MD

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In the typical pediatric office, behavior and emotional disorders are making up a greater percentage of visits. It was estimated in a paper by Wills (Pediatrics, 2004) that 15% of office visits were about behavioral health related disorders. Pediatric and Family Practice physicians commonly diagnose and treat ADHD, anxiety and depression. They also express a desire to know more about treating these and other behavioral disorders. Families are increasingly requesting a non-pharmaceutical intervention which leaves fewer options for care. For the right conditions, hypnosis can be an effective and appropriate intervention. Review of the literature shows few studies on the use of hypnosis for emotional regulation in children and adolescents. This series of case presentations demonstrates how hypnosis can be effectively used to help children and adolescents learn new ways to handle their emotions. Some children have emotional reactivity causing them to react, melt down, or have other outward displays of the emotions they are feeling. The reactivity can be to specific situations or to events out of their control. This can cause family distress and problems for the child at school with teachers or the other children. Counseling is usually prescribed, but for some children it is ineffective. The case reports to be discussed are of children with hypersensitivity to their surroundings to the point it was impairing them at home and in school. They had all been previously in counseling with one or more therapists and not making progress. The presenters, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist, each have 10-15 years experience of using hypnosis with their patient populations. There will also be a experiential component as well as time to discuss participants' cases.

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to…

- Describe specific hypnotic techniques to teach children with poor emotional
regulation skills and be able to construct 3 scripts to help children learn emotion
regulation skills;
-Understand how the developmental level of the child relates to crafting an age
appropriate hypnotic intervention; and
-Identify at least 3 situations where emotional regulation skills training would be useful.


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