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 17574 - Waste Water Contaminants - Robert Disney $15.00   
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Duration: 0 hrs 38 min

Waste Water Contaminants
Robert Disney

Robert Disney: Emerging waste water contaminants.
The theme this year is myth busters. Municipally supplied water to your tap is safe to drink - fictitious or factual? Municipal water has been treated to improve the quality and make it micro-biologically safe to drink as verified by those annual tests which are sent to users. There are other contaminants, for which no test is required and which are not being removed. These will collectively be referred to as emerging contaminants and this will be the subject of this presentation.

Robert Disney, Robert Disney works as an environmental scientist for a state regulatory agency. He deals specifically with waste issues. How to dispose of something is often a challenge and sometimes detonation is the choice and is his favorite method!

He was introduced to the Weston Price Foundation in 1999 by June Varner while both were in attendance at an environmental conference in Minnesota. He finally had the opportunity to attend a weekend conference, conducted by Sally, in South Dakota last year and was captivated by the traditions of our ancestors. He is honored and humbled to be invited to speak at this conference with such like-minded people.

Robert will bring his understanding of the chemical environment and its impact on us to the conference. Specifically he will address mercury and waste water contaminants.


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