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 Environmental Health & Toxicity - Wise Traditions Collections $49.00   
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Presentations recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences. Includes audio, slides, and videos on a USB flash drive - play MP4 video files on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Includes the presentations live audio synchronized with PowerPoint slides recorded at Wise Traditions Annual Conferences! Some sessions also include video of the presenter.

Watch and listen to the leading experts in the Weston A. Price philosophy of achieving optimal heal through proper nutrition.


Empowering Detoxification: Safe and Natural Solutions
Kaayla Daniel, PhD
Format: Audio & Slides

Millions of Americans suffer adverse health effects from low-level, chronic exposure to aluminum, mercury, cadmium, lead and other toxic metals. Toxic levels of the needed minerals copper and manganese are also increasingly common problems. Dose, duration, manner of exposure, biochemical individuality, genetic propensity, diet quality and stress levels combine to determine the degree of ill effects. Sadly, no one living on Planet Earth today is immune to toxic metal exposure This lecture will cover prevention and healing through diet and lifestyle choices, safe and gentle do-it yourself detoxification procedures, and the advisability of laboratory assessment and customized detoxification protocols for men, women and children suffering from major or minor health challenges.

Removing the Obstacles to Cure (Toxic chemicals and metals)

Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND
Format: Audio & Slides

Many of us have gone to great lengths to feel better. And yet, for a significant percentage, the abundant energy, vitality, and feeling of well-being that define optimal health continue to elude us despite our most diligent efforts. With a history of toxic mercury amalgam fillings, excessive courses of antibiotics, damaging childhood vaccines, and ubiquitous carcinogenic chemicals – general health guidelines are no longer adequate. The profound effects of these toxic insults necessitate profound intervention – and more “radical” medicine.

The word, radical, derives from the Latin term, radix, which means “root or origin,” as well as “that which is fundamental and far-reaching.” Radical Medicine refers to that field of holistic medicine that is dedicated to ascertaining and treating the most fundamental root causes of chronic illness. Only when these underlying “obstacles to cure” are diagnosed and effectively treated, can we then most fully utilize the nutrients in our diet. Then food truly becomes sacred – and the “medicine” that Hippocrates noted it should be over two thousand years ago.

Dirty Electricity
Jules Klapper
Format: Audio & Slides

Dirty Electricity: The 21st Century Scourge Up until recently, 60 Hz fields supplied by the power company were thought to be a major culprit for stressing the body. While these fields do cause problems for some people, they "fall off the square of the distance," which means that simply moving yourself away from the field, and/or the source away from you, can solve that problem. Yet many people were still stressed out by EMFs. A more recent discovery found out why: There is another, much more dangerous field: radio frequency or "dirty electricity," caused by an interaction between items people plug into an outlet and the 60 Hz fields supplied by the power company. These fields do not fall off the square of the distance and use your entire wiring system as an antenna. We will explore dirty electricity, how it affects the body and how we can mitigate the problem. 

Toxic Building Syndrome

Ritchie Shoemaker, MD
Format: Audio & Slides

Inflammation and capillary hypoperfusion dominate dietary recommendations in patients sickened by exposure to the interior environment of water damaged buildings. Too often, dietary suggestions are made glibly, with little thought invested and little attention paid to the metabolic demands seen in the human host injured by water-damaged buildings (WDB). The requirement for custom-tailoring of dietary intervention in patients sickened by exposure to the interior environment of WDB serves as a classic example of the need to understand (1) leptin resistance; (2) the adverse effect of reduction of flow in capillary beds on oxygen delivery and mitochondrial activity; (3) the role of inhibition of direct beta-oxidation of fatty acids and protein wasting; and (4) the adverse effects of rising levels of insulin on inflammatory processes. Dietary suggestions based on assessment of energy needs in a setting of reduced anaerobic threshold will provide excellent results when combined with proper treatment of the underlying inflammatory condition. Attendees will learn what elements found inside WDB contribute to illness; what the mechanism of illness is; what therapies are employed for these patients and what dietary recommendations make sense. 

Waste Water Contaminants
Robert Disney
Format: Audio & Slides

Emerging waste water contaminants. The theme this year is myth busters. Municipally supplied water to your tap is safe to drink - fictitious or factual? Municipal water has been treated to improve the quality and make it micro-biologically safe to drink as verified by those annual tests which are sent to users. There are other contaminants, for which no test is required and which are not being removed. These will collectively be referred to as emerging contaminants and this will be the subject of this presentation. 

Empowering Detoxification: Safe and Natural Solutions
Kaayla Daniel, PhD
Format: Audio & Slides

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Millions of Americans are suffering adverse health effects from low-level, chronic exposure to aluminum, mercury, cadmium, lead and other toxic metals. Toxic levels of the needed minerals copper, manganese and iron are also causing problems. Add in exposure to plastics, pesticides, formaldehyde, pharmaceutical drugs and it’s no wonder ill health is epidemic. Dose, duration, manner of exposure, biochemical individuality, genetic propensity, diet quality and stress levels combine to determine the degree of ill effect. Sadly, no one living on Planet Earth is immune. This lecture will cover prevention and healing through diet and lifestyle choices, safe do-it yourself detoxification procedures and the advisability of laboratory assessment and customized detoxification protocols for men, women and children.

The Effects of Environmental Toxicity on Chronic Illness
Mark Schauss, MBA, DB
Format: Video and Slides

Environmental toxicity is the greatest threat to our health. Unfortunately, we are exposed to an incredibly wide variety of toxins on a regular basis. In this talk, Mark Schauss will share his 30 years of research on how to test for the toxins, how to determine their source and how to detoxify yourself properly and safely. He will also share a real-life experience on how he saved his daughter from a life-threatening form of epilepsy.

Pesticides, Antibiotics, Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals: Cause of Our Health Crisis?
Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Format: Audio & Slides

For over 100 years, the Western world has been waging war on life under the false assumption that this would lead to health and prosperity. More and more people, however, are realizing that this path is doomed to fail.  If we choose to kill pests with toxic chemicals to make agriculture more efficient, we cannot avoid harming ourselves as well, along with many other species that fall in harm’s way.  And in the end any money saved on cheap food derived from chemical-based agriculture is spent treating the myriad chronic illnesses that develop because of exposure to toxic chemicals in the food. Vaccines won’t provide immunity without a price, and the resulting food allergies, asthma, autism and even sudden unexplained deaths among our children may be too steep a price to pay. Pharmaceutical drugs are supposed to fix medical problems, but increasingly people are realizing that the side effects of the drug are worse than the problem they claim to fix. Increasing use of antibiotics has led to monster bugs like MRSA that’s resistant to every antibiotic in our arsenal, and there is no chain of new antibiotics in the pipe to replace the ones that no longer work. In this full-day program, I will show that our current strategy towards food production and medical treatment has failed. I will also explain my hypothesis that the circulatory system is the most important “organ” in the body, and that multiple modern diseases and conditions manifest a strategy to maintain circulating blood by sacrificing a particular organ or organ system, be it the brain or the gut or the muscles or the joints.  I will also outline my proposed diet and lifestyle changes that can bring back vitality and the promise of a long and healthy life.

The Effects of Environmental Toxicity on Chronic Illness
Mark Schauss, MBA, DBA
Format: Video & Slides

Environmental toxicity is the greatest threat to our health. Unfortunately, we are exposed to an incredibly wide variety of toxins on a regular basis. In this talk, Mark Schauss will share his 30 years of research on how to test for the toxins, how to determine their source and how to detoxify properly and safely. He will also share a real-life experience on how he saved his daughter from a life-threatening form of epilepsy.

Most Americans Drink Treated Sewage; Are You One of Them?

Norm Lemoine; Tom DiGuiseppe, PhD
Format: Audio & Slides

We are all familiar with water, that simple H2O molecule that is as ubiquitous a substance as there any on earth. We all drink it, shower in it, swim in it, prepare meals with it and even flush with it. In fact, many of us are actually drinking treated sewage! You really need to know what is lurking in your water. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by water reports sent to you that have been prepared by those treating your water!

In this presentation, Norm LeMoine will provide a global and historical perspective on water and its uniqueness. He will outline how water gets contaminated, the major challenges your water faces and the impact water toxins have on our lifestyle and wellbeing. Tom DiGiuseppe will then focus on the technological solutions available to address your water concerns regardless of the challenges, as he looks in depth at several case studies.

Blood Microscopy: Studies on Nutrition and Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation
Beverly Rubik, PhD
Format: Video & Slides

Dark-field microscopy of live blood shows the biological terrain, the “soil” or “ground” of the body, which is one important foundation of our health. The dark-field microscope provides exceptionally high contrast. The various factors seen in blood microscopy are related to one’s nutritional status and exposure to electromagnetic radiation, including the radiation emitted by cell phones. Dr. Rubik will explain this type of blood analysis and how she uses it in research and education. She will show numerous photographs and explain how they reveal various aspects of health and disease, including blood congestion, nutritional deficiency, electromagnetic exposure, and degenerative disease.

Your Home as Safe Haven, Practical Ways to Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Mary Cordaro
Format: Audio & Slides

Manmade electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has become an ubiquitous, invisible pollutant in our lives. Often referred to as “electro-pollution,” many of us are completely unaware of the sea of toxic, man-made electromagnetic radiation around us, day and night, generated by a host of wired and wireless devices indoors and cell towers, base stations and antennas outdoors. While the majority of studies claiming there is nothing to worry about are industry-funded and poorly designed, thousands of independent studies show a clear cause for concern and the need for well-funded, large, independent research.

For the health-minded, independent environmental scientists, researchers and technical EMR professionals are promoting a move toward better awareness about the possible adverse health effects of manmade EMR, including effects on the developing fetus and small children.

Learn how to lower your “EMF body burden”, create a measurably EMR-safe environment, and why it is essential for long term health.


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