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 *Wise Traditions 2018 Annual Conference - All sessions Audio Recordings - MP3 files* $169.00   
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Live Audio Presentations from all recorded sessions from the WiseTraditions 2018 Annual Conference November 16-18, 2018 in MP3 format. This is the Complete Conference Package of every conference presentation recorded live as MP3 audio files - except Friday's Cooking Class with Sally Fallon Morell or Monday's Farm Tour. Listen to the sessions, exactly as they happened live. This package allows you to review presentation materials and is a lasting valuable resource. Listen on your computer or fill your iPod or favorite MP3 player with all the live audio from every session. (does not include PowerPoints).

Or, order the online Streaming Live and On-Demand of the entire conference including synchronized slides and video here

Click here for a full conference program


Friday, November 16, 2018  
Gut and Psychology Syndrome - Parts I, II, & III Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD
Vegetarianism Explained Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD
Neuro-Nutrition and Our Epidemics of Addiction, Insomnia and Overstress Julia Ross. MA
Warning: Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) can be Damaging to Health! Martin Grootveld, PhD
The Three Secrets of Healing Oneself and Others, with Demonstrations Tedd Koren
Principles of Biological Systems-Crop production for Nutrient Density Dan Kittredge
Ask the Practitioner Panel Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD, Tom Cowan, MD, Ronda Nelson, PhD, Sally Fallon Morell, Pam Schoenfeld, RD
The Lunch Lady: Disrupting the Trend of Chronic Illness in the Next Generation Hilary Boynton
The History of the Mechanism-Vitalism Controversy and the Biological Work of Wilhelm Reich James Strick, PhD
Saturday, November 17, 2018  
Applications of High-Resolution NMR Analysis to, Explore the Quality, Authenticity and Potential Health Benefits of Marine and Other Edible Oils Martin Grootveld, PhD
It's Time to Re-Think Your Water Tom Digiuseppe, PhD, Norman LeMoine
Metabolic Diet for Cancer Nasha Winters
Cancer is Natural, So is the Cure Tedd Koren, DC
Starve Cancer & Heal Your Epigenetics Anthony Jay, PhD
Cancer, Enzymes, and Diet Linda Isaacs, MD
Traditional Diets Seminar (5 hrs): The Work of Dr. Weston A. Price, Know Your Fats, How to Change Your Diet  Sally Fallon Morell, MA
Cooking with Spices Sandeep Agarwal
Making the Transition: A Practical Guide to Achieving Your Ideal Diet Lindsea Willon
Making Meat Stock and Bone Broth with Ease Monica Corrado
Rebuilding your Microbiome: Lacto-fermentation for Everyone Monica Corrado
Glyphosate: How a Simple Molecule Can Cause So Much Destruction - Parts I & II Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Vaccines, Autoimmunity & Childhood Disease  - Parts I & II Tom Cowan, MD
A Mother's Journey Fighting for Her Daughter's Health Elaine Bolard
Grazing for Nature: Creating Real Ecological Wealth Using Animals Matt Rales
Fourfold Path to Making 100% Grass-fed Milk Will Winter, DVM
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Raw Milk Bradley & Dana Bleasdale
Awards Banquet  
Keynote - Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds Tom Naughton
Sunday, November 18, 2018  
Vitamin K2 MK-4 (Activator X): For the Treatment and Prevention of Physical Will Schlinsog, DC
The Iodine Crisis Lynne Farrow
Small Bowel Obstruction Brandon LaGreca
Forget What You Know About Probiotic–Paradigm Shift Kiran Krishnan
Become Oxalate Savvy for Better Health Sally Norton
The Rhythm of Digestion Marianne Rothschild
Nourish Your Neurons: A Nutritional Strategy to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease Amy Berger
Hormone Health & Hysterectomy Options Elizabeth Plourde
Protection against Flu Hilary Andrews, ND
Are the ‘Displacing Foods of Modern Commerce’ the Sole Cause of Age-Related Macular Degeneration? Chris Knobbe
Fluoride Can Damage the Brain and Has the Potential to Lower the Intelligence of Children Paul and Ellen Connett
Insidious Artificial Estrogens: Our Top 10 Hidden Exposures Anthony Jay
The Fox in the Madhouse: Metals, Medicine and the Return of Autism Forrest Maready
Sunscreen and EMR-Unrecognized Hazards Elizabeth Plourde
The Toxic Tooth (Root Canals) Thomas Levy
Pediatric Facial Growth and Development Jim Bieneman, DDS
Safe Removal of Amalgams Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND
Wisdom teeth: Should They Stay or Should They Go? Carlo Litano, DMD
Breast Thermography: Beyond Early Detection Bruce Rind
Integrative Cancer Treatment Mel Litman, MD
How to Thrive Through Cancer Season Johnson
Closing Ceremony: Inspiring the Next Generation: On Farm Education in the Mountains of Vermont Leigh Mernoff
Monday, November 19, 2018  
A Holistic Approach to Optimal Thyroid Health Ronda Nelson
Measuring & Managing Nutritional Status Masterclass Chris Masterjohn, PhD


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