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 20218 - ADHD-ing It Up: Nutrition, Lifestyle and the Gifts of ADHD-itude - Kaayla Daniel, PhD $30.00   
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ADHD-ing It Up: Nutrition, Lifestyle and the Gifts of ADHD-itude
Kaayla Daniel, PhD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects nearly 20 million men, women and children, and is increasingly diagnosed by medical professionals as a pathological disorder that must be suppressed with Ritalin and other drugs. Dr. Kaayla Daniel proposes we first look at modern diet and lifestyle choices, and prioritize treatment plans that address underlying vitamin, mineral, fatty acid and amino acid deficiencies; food allergies; and environmental toxicities. Once the ADHD sufferer is healthy and well nourished, the surprising next step might be a change in our ADHD-itude. Perhaps distractibility and impulsiveness are not signs of a "disorder" at all, but high-level adaptations that served our hunter/gatherer ancestors well. The problem in many cases, after all, is not a deficit of attention so much as hyper attention, followed by rapid loss of interest, and then focus on another thing altogether. While ADHD has obvious disadvantages in classrooms and work cubicles, its advantages include high energy, intuitiveness, creativity, enthusiasm and passion. Mozart, Edison and Einstein all had ADD/ADHD, a trait shared by most innovators, inventors, explorers, and entrepreneurs. To help our children and ourselves realize our full potential it is crucial not only to see ADHD's dark side but the gifts it may contain.

Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD is The Naughty Nutritionist™ because of her ability to outrageously and humorously debunk nutritional myths.   She  earned her PhD in Nutritional Sciences and Anti-Aging Therapies from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, is certified as a clinical nutritionist (CCN) by the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists in Dallas, and is Vice President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and on the board of directors of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. In 2005, Dr. Daniel received the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Integrity in Science Award.

Dr. Daniel’s book The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America ‘s Favorite Health Food (New Trends, 2005) has been endorsed by leading health experts, including Drs. Russell Blaylock, Larry Dossey, Joseph Mercola, Kilmer McCully, Doris J. Rapp, Jonathan Wright and many others.

Dr. Daniel has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, NPR’s People’s Pharmacy, ABC’s View from the Bay and Discovery Channel’s Medical Hotseat, and will be featured on PBS Healing Quest this summer.  She been quoted frequently in the media, including Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, London Observer,London Guardian, Toronto Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, Bon Appetit, Alternative Medicine, Townsend Letter, Mat und Helse (Norway), Men’s Health, E!, Glamour, and other publications.

Online, Dr. Daniel has been featured prominently as an “Inner Circle” expert on www.mercola.com, the world’s leading dietary and natural health website, and she blogs regularly at www.psychologytoday.com,www.liberationwellness.com and www.westonaprice.org.  

Dr Daniel has also spoken at numerous professional conferences, including BoulderFest, Wise Traditions and the National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP) and will speak at Charles Poliquin's Biosignature Convention this August.   

Based in Albuquerque, NM, Dr. Daniel is a nutritionist in private practice, the mother of two children, and enjoys playing the organ, ballroom dancing, firewalking, hiking and karate.     She can be contacted through her websiteswww.naughtynutritionist.com and www.wholesoystory.com.


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