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 20890 - Complete 2013 ASCH Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops Audio MP3 CD-ROM Set
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Complete Conference Audio Package on CD-ROM !

Complete 2013 ASCH 55th Annual Scientific Meeting & Workshops Package.
Live Presenter Audio of all sessions as MP3 files - PLUS all available PowerPoint Slides.

This interactive multimedia CD-ROM set features All sessions live audio from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 2013 Scientific Meeting and Workshops! Listen to the speaker audio MP3 Audio files to listen to on your computer iPod or MP3 player., exactly as is happened live. This package allows you to review presentation materials and is a lasting valuable resource. Plus this package also includes all available PowerPoint slides from the sessions.


item Title Presenter
20891 Plenary 1: You Can Win the Race for Patient Satisfaction Scores  Elvira Lang, MD
20892 Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders  Philip Shenefelt, MD, ABPH & Eleanor Laser, PhD
20893 Turning the Adversity of Infertility into Opportunity  Helen Adrienne, LCSW, BCD
20894 Clinical Aspects of Pain Control  Dabney Ewin, MD, ABMH
20895 Enhancing Relationship Therapy with Hypnosis  Sheryl Daniel, PhD & Carolyn Daitch, PhD
20896 Hypnosis for Pain Management  David Patterson, PhD, ABPH & Mark Jensen, PhD
20897 Mesmer, Music and Movement: Integrative Approaches in Mind-Body Medicine  Marina Smirnova, MA; Stephanie Shelburne, MA;  & Eric Willmarth, Ph.D.
20898 The Hypnotic Enhancement of Reflective Functioning in Patients with Affect Dysregulation: 
Integrating Perspectives in Attachment Theory, Mindfulness, and Relational Psychoanalysis  
Eric Spiegel, PhD  & Elgin Baker, PhD, ABPH
20899 Understanding Transference and Counter Transference in the Use of Hypnosis to Enhance Safety and Efficacy:  A Crash Course for the Seriously Curious  Richard Kluft, MD, PhD; Thomas Wall, PhD, ABPH & Thomas Nagy, PhD
20900 What We Can Learn From Single-Session Cures  Max Shapiro, PhD
20901  Treatment of Tics, Tourette Syndrome, and Habit Disorders, Utilizing Self-Hypnosis Jeffery Lazarus, MD
20902 Erickson’s Approaches---The Basis for Even Better Hypnotic Work   Betty Alice Erickson, MS 
20903 Plenary 2: The Expansive Spirit of Hypnosis: Doing Hypnosis vs. Being Hypnotic Michael Yapko, PhD
20904 Hypnosis as a Hypnotic: Trance and the Treatment of Sleep Disorders  Shepherd Myers, PhD & Kevin Harrington, PhD
20905 Tailoring Hypnotic Interventions to Your Client's Hypnotic Talents  Ronald J. Pekala, PhD
20906 Music and Trance: Creative Use of Music in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy  Anita Jung. MS. LPC
20907 Helping Youth Help Themselves with Self-Hypnosis: Self-Regulation Training for Children and Adolescents with Chronic, Recurrent, or Constant Headache Dan Kohen, MD, ABMH
20908 Functional Medical Illnesses: Using Trauma-Informed Therapy to Achieve Unique Solutions  Carol B. Low, PsyD; Julie H. Francis, MS, GCFP & David C. Flemming, MD
20909 Hypnosis as a Context for Experiential Learning: Breaking the Patterns of Depression  Michael Yapko, PhD
20910 Hypnosis Paving Your Path to Happiness And Spirituality  Nicole Ruysschaert, MD
20911 Sharing the Wealth – Passing on the Teachings of Kay Thompson, DDS  Holly Forester-Miller, PhD, LPC; Charles Srodes, MD & Karen Olness, MD
20912 Combining Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Hypnosis  Michael S. McGee, MS
20913 Hypnosis, Meditation, and Body-Mind-Spirit Balance  Darlene A. Osowiec, PhD
20914 Integrating Hypnosis and Biofeedback in Pediatric Health Care  Eric K. Willmarth PhD & David  Gottsegen, MD
20915 A Pain in the Gut: Hypnosis for Irritable Bowel Syndrome  Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD  & Mark Weisberg, PhD, ABPP
20916 Integrating a Biopsychosocial Approach into Clinical Hypnosis  David Patterson, PhD, ABPH
20917 Recent Developments in Cognitive Hypnotherapy  Assen Alladin, PhD; Mark  Jensen, PhD  & Michael Yapko, PhD
20918 Integrating Hypnosis and Biofeedback: Evidence and Trends  Eric K. Willmarth, PhD; Werner Absenger, MA; Erica Stanton, MA; & Bethany DeBlaay, MA 
20919 Research Findings in Medical Hypnosis
Self-Hypnosis as a Complementary Airway Clearance Technique in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis
Hypnosis Treatment Planning: Strategies for Style and Technique Selection
Anxiety Reduction Using Hypnotically Induced Relaxation and Self-Guided Imagery during Dermatologic Procedures 
Ran D. Anbar, MD; D. Corydon Hammond, PhD, ABPH; Philip Shenefelt, MD, ABMH
20920 Evidence-based Hypnotherapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)  Laurie Keefer, PhD & Jennifer L Kiebles, PhD
20921 A Step-By-Step Method for Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children  Mark Lauderdale, MD, FRCPC
20922 Mindfulness-Based Hypnotherapy: How to Blend Science with Beliefs and Wisdoms to Catalyze Healing  Assen Alladin, PhD 
20923 Peak Performance Enhancement in Sports and Life through Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis Training  Joseph Tramonana, PhD & Mitch Smith, MSW, LCSW
20924 The Glass Enclosure: Dynamic Exploration using Guided Imagery  David S. Gordon, PHD & Cynthia Costas Cohen, M.A, MFT
20925 Hypnotic Strategies and Techniques for Pain Mgmt  D. Corydon Hammond, PhD, ABPB
20926 Integrating Hypnosis into the Treatment of Psychophysiological Disorders: Improved Hypnotic Treatments for Low Back Pain  Alfred Clavel, MD & Mark Weisberg, PhD, ABPP
20927 Asperger’s Syndrome: Working Hypnotically and Strategically with Social Language Deficits in Children  Diane Yapko, MA
20928 Integrating and Applying Current Research in Neurobiology and Genetic Development to Psychotherapy and Hypnosis  James Straub, EdD
20929 Innovative Inductions With and Without Formal Trance   John Lentz, Dmin
20930 Update on Psychotherapy in Plain English: A Brief Guide For Non Mental Health Practitioners to The Latest Techniques - How to Explain Psychotherapy Referrals Quickly and Effectively to Patients  Rebecca S. Johnston, PhD & Pamela Devaney, PsyD
20931 Plenary 3: Posthypnotic Suggestion and the Automatic Mental Process  Amir Raz, PhD, ABPH
20932 Group Supervision – Sleep Disorders: Insomnia and Other Bedfellows  Daniel Skenderian, PhD
20933 Case Consultation  Dr. Michael D. Yapko
20934 Case Consultation on Anxiety Disorders  George P. Glaser, MSW, DAHB
20935 Case Consultation on Child & Adolescent Hypnosis Dan Kohen, MD, ABMH
20936 Latest Research in Clinical Hypnosis
Effect of Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) On the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC)
Hypnotic Susceptibility and State Dissociation
Michael L. Tracy, PhD & Jeremy Voyles, MS, EdS; Jonathan M. Cleveland, MS; Steven N. Gold, PhD; & Brandon Korman, PsyD
20937 Freud, Free Association and the "Fill-in-the-Blank" Induction  Paul Schenk, PhD
20938 Hypnosis for Trauma Resiliency, Anxiety and Stress Management: A Somatic Based Approach  Karin S. Hart, PsyD.
20939 Hypnosis and Biofeedback:  A Great Mind/Body Connection  Rebecca L. Kajander, MPH, BSN, RN, CPNP, PMHS
20940 Utilizing Gender Differences Regarding Body, Mind and Spirit In The Therapist’s Hypnotic Language  Consuelo Casula & John Lentz, DMin
20941 Pharmacotherapy Enhanced by Hypnosis   Moshe S. Torem MD
20942 Alert Hypnosis: Training for Practitioner and Patient/Client Empathy  David Wark, PhD
20943 The Mental Health Professional as a Tutor: Transferring the Skills of Designing a Guided Mindfulness Script to the Client  Susan Von Der Haar, MSW
20944 Anthroposophical Medicine: Gateway to Quantum Hypnosis  Reginald Humphreys, PhD
20945 Using Ideomotor Signals In Hypnoanalysis  Bruce N. Eimer, PhD, ABPP & Dabney M. Ewin, MD, ABMH
20946 Hypnotic Interventions To Optimize The Surgical Experience – Partnering Patient, Surgeon And Therapist   Scott M. Fried, DO,FAOAO
20947 Exploring Learning and Memory Network Modulations Subserving Hypnotic State Change, Hypnotic Phenomena And Clinical Applications  Christopher K. Coslett, D.C
20948 Learn the Science and Experience of Mind-Body Skills Groups  Regula (Ragi) Doggweiler, MD, ABIHM
20949 Existential Crisis: How to Help Someone Who Feels Lost in Life without Giving Them False Expectations  Teresa Garcia-Sanchez MA, ECP
20950 The Use of Hypnotic Phenomena for Test Anxiety: Brief Solutions at Work  Antoni J. Bustillo, PhD


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