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 20926 - Integrating Hypnosis into the Treatment of Psychophysiological Disorders: Improved Hypnotic Treatments for Low Back Pain $12.00   
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Presenter: Alfred Clavel, MD & Mark Weisberg, PhD, ABPP

Chronic low back pain (LBP) has been identified as a major health problem that costs the U.S. economy billions of dollars annually. In spite of multiple different treatments from various health providers and enthusiastic claims, experience would indicate that treatment of LBP does not have satisfactory results. Equally puzzling is that most structural spine problems attributed to causing LBP such as degenerative spine disease and herniated disks are found in pain free individuals. Low back pain is ubiquitous. It is generally accepted that 90% of acute LBP sufferers recover fully with the remainder suffering recurrent or chronic LBP. Regardless of the underlying structural defects, loss of reciprical movement, prolonged guarding and bracing, restricted movement patterns, poor posture and body mechanics, and deconditioning all contribute to the pain experience and disability. Hypnosis provides a framework to safely and effectively allowing patients to move from the quest for the elusive “fix” to creating an ideal atmosphere for healing by engaging multiple neuronal systems involved in the pain experience.

In the last 40 years, significant advances have been made in the understanding of the neurophysiologic processes involved in the experience of trauma and pain. This knowledge, together with the rapid growth and understanding in the behavioral health sciences, has expanded to include a much better appreciation of how these fields are converging and contribute to a process called neuroplasticity. These basic mechanisms common to all patients with chronic pain have important implications for clinical outcome and for improving clinical practice.

Upon completion of this session, participants who treat or collaborate in the treatment of LBP will feel more comfortable addressing this common condition in their practice

During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Understand fundamental background information for conceptualizing simple from complex LBP;
-> Identify why peripheral treatments are necessary but insufficient for healing;
-> Identify signs of central sensitization, red and yellow flags for delayed recovery, and lumbar stabilization; and
-> Differentiate how to choose direct for simple versus indirect hypnotic interventions for the complex patient.


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