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 30055 - Utilization of Creative Clinical Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex and Frustrating Clinical Conditions $16.00   
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Presenter: Harvey Zarren, MD, FACC

Utilization of Creative Clinical Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex and Frustrating Clinical Conditions

For the past 10 years I have worked with patients who have physical complaints with no standard test showing any positive results, and no usual medical therapy having any significant success. These conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, many pain syndromes, and even some autoimmune disorders are becoming progressively frequent at a time when our medical system is focused on finance and efficiency and is fragmenting healthcare into more and more subspecialties. Having enormous introspective time in my practice, I have learned that our biology is incredibly capable of healing given appropriate support. Our current living environment rather than being supportive is progressively chaotic, noisy, full of information overload, and is frequently utilizing fear to motivate behavior. I have learned that in this setting creatively used Clinical Hypnosis can be very effective in both relieving suffering and in healing patients with these very frustrating conditions. Hypnosis not only is useful for ego strengthening and for building resilience, but also enables biological positive change through gene expression. In this workshop I will present relevant biology, will do a live demonstration of creatively using Clinical Hypnosis with a, "Patient," and will interactively discuss what helps and what prevents practitioners from being creative with Clinical Hypnosis in ways that can effectively decrease suffering and enhance healing. I will also present some simple tools for both practitioners and patients, tools that can support our biology in the currently erosive living environment.


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