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 31382 - Cancer, Enzymes, and Diet $18.00   
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Presenter: Linda Isaacs, MD

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes have been used in the management of cancer for more than 100 years. The theoretical rationale was described by the embryologist Dr. John Beard, who noted the similarity of cancer cells to the trophoblast, the earliest stage of the placenta in fetal development, and who may have been the first researcher to speculate that cancer originates from stem cells. Since Dr. Beard’s time, other practitioners have used pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer, including the orthodontist Dr. William Donald Kelley. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez investigated Kelley’s results and subsequently he and Dr. Isaacs, using methods based on Kelley’s work, treated patients for more than twenty years. After Dr. Gonzalez’ untimely death in July 2015, she has continued with the work they shared.

The treatment involves diet, which varies from patient to patient and can range from almost exclusively vegetarian to one that includes large amounts of animal protein and fat; individualized nutritional supplement protocols, which include large doses of pancreatic enzymes; and procedures such as coffee enemas that help the body rid itself of metabolic wastes.

In 1999, Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Gonzalez completed a research study in patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer: the results were published in the peer-reviewed journal?Nutrition and Cancer,showing survival well beyond what is described in the medical literature. They also published a series of case reports in the peer-reviewed journal?Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, and co-authored the book?The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer.

In her lecture, Isaacs will review the history of the enzyme treatment of cancer, and describe case reports of cancer patients successfully treated with enzymes, dietary modification and detoxification by Dr. Kelley, Dr. Gonzalez or herself.


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