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 33003 - Vitamin A-mazing $18.00   
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Presenter: Pam Schoenfeld

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

Vitamin A deficiency has generally been considered to be a "Third World" problem. But what is becoming increasingly clear is that this is no longer the case. A high percentage of individuals in developed nations are currently at risk for vitamin A deficiency, both because they consume almost no foods that are good sources of animal-based vitamin A and, because of gene and other biological differences, their bodies cannot adequately convert the carotenoids in plant foods to physiologically-essential vitamin A or retinol. I know firsthand because as a licensed dietitian-nutritionist, I see vitamin A deficiency daily in my practice, and I am almost always the first person on the medical care team to recognize it and address it. I see amazing results when the lack of vitamin A is corrected. In this presentation, I will discuss the myriad of essential functions that vitamin A plays a role in and the problems that can arise when an individual is deficient or even insufficient in their intake. I will also present recent discoveries showing that vitamin A is required for cognitive function, energy production, hormonal balance and what the WAPF has always taught, successful reproduction. While all ages are affected by vitamin A deficiency, during pregnancy and childhood the deleterious effects can be permanent. You will learn which foods provide vitamin A and how much to consume, why traditional nourishing diets are naturally rich in vitamin A, and what to do if you or your family are not regularly consuming liver--far and away the best dietary source of vitamin A. With so much focus on the fat-soluble vitamins D and K2, it is time that vitamin A once again had its moment in the sun! My goal is for you to take away information that could not only change your health and your health trajectory, but the health of your loved ones and even the future members of your family.


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