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 17540 - Biodynamic Bovine Care - Michael Schmidt $15.00   
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Audio MP3 Download: $15
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Video of PowerPoints with Synchronized Audio Download: $18

Duration: 1 hrs 27 min

Biodynamic Bovine Care
Michael Schmidt

Michael Schmidt was born in Germany and came to Canada 28 years ago. As a bio-dynamic farmer with passion he challenged through education and lectures from day one the current industrial farming system which more and more destroys the cultural identity of rural North America. He introduced Spelt to the North American market and founded Ontar-Bio which then became Organic Meadow Co-operative, the largest organic dairy processor in Canada. In 1992 he started the first Cow Share program for raw milk in Canada. In 1995 he founded Symphony in the Barn and conducted symphonies, operas and concertos with world renowned artists.

In 2006 his farm was raided by 25 armed officers, after being arrested he was charged with 19 offences for breaking the current health and milk laws. In 2010 after defending himself without a lawyer against an army of Government lawyers he was acquitted of all charges. As a free man he is now spearheading Cow Share Canada. Her keeps challenging the entire public food politics of government and policy makers in regards to raw milk.


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