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Audio recordings from the 2011 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference

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Sessions at this year's conference include a wide array of offerings from many of the nation's leading family history experts and genealogical organizations. With topics ranging from Family History Essentials, to Strategies and Techniques, the FGS/ISGS 2011 Conference includes something for anyone interested in exploring their family history.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 105 products) Click titles for product details Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 
 Product Name+   Price    
17090 - Complete Conference FGS 2011 MP3 CD-ROM 
17091 - But It's My Family: Copyright Issues for Genealogists - Cath Madden Trindle 
17092 - Tour Guide and Travel Agent: Planning Your Society's Next Research Trip - D. Joshua Taylor 
17093 - The Dollars and Cents of Fundraising - Curt B. Witcher 
17094 - Bylaws and Standing Rules: A New Direction for AAGS - Deborah Abbott 
17096 - Reaping the Rewards of Your Annual Seminar - Donna M. Moughty 
17097 - Reports and Charts for your Society's Board and Membership - Jake Gehring 
17098 - 21st Century Marketing Techniques for Genealogists/Genealogical Societies - Thomas MacEntee 
17099 - Organizing and Carrying Out a Society Project - C. Ann Staley 
17100 - Internet Collaborative Tools for Genealogical Societies - Jane G. Haldeman 
17101 - Fiscal Considerations for Your Non-Profit Society Board - Cath Madden Trindle 
17102 - Effective Editing and Writing - Pamela Boyer Sayre 
17103 - Publicity for Society Events: Simply Supercharged - Paula Stuart-Warren 
17104 - Engaging a New Generation of Genealogists - D. Joshua Taylor 
17105 - Becoming the Outstanding Leader Your Society Needs - Curt B. Witcher 
17106 - Printed vs. Online Publishing for Societies - Donna M. Moughty 
17107 - Energize Your Society with an Indexing Project - Jake Gehring 
17108 - Starting and Maintaining a Pioneer Descendants Program - C. Ann Staley 
17109 - Operational Manual or Handbook: Guidelines at Your Volunteers' Fingertips - Paula Stuart-Warren 
17110 - Designing a Publication - Pamela Boyer Sayre 
17111 - Building a Society Education Program for Genealogists and Family Historians - J. H. Fonkert 
17112 - Somebody Is Taking Care of Our Societies' Documents... Right? - Scott Simkins 
17113 - Illinois Migration & Settlement Patterns - Rev. Dr. David McDonald 
17114 - The Jones Jinx: Tracing Common Surnames - Thomas Jones 
17115 - Social History and Genealogy: Writing a Family Narrative Part 1 - Diane VanSkiver Gagel 
17116 - Restoring Documents With Your Computer - Eric Curtis Basir 
17117 - Overlooked War of 1812 Records in the National Archives - Marie Varrelman Melchiori 
17118 - Immigrant Cluster Communities: Past, Present, and Future - Lisa A. Alzo 
17119 - Social History and Genealogy: Writing a Family Narrative Part 2 - Diane VanSkiver Gagel 
17120 - Building a House History - Cath Madden Trindle 
17121 - Iowa History and Resources - Rev. Dr. David McDonald 
17122 - The Curious Case of the Disappearing Dude - Debra S. Mieszala 
17123 - Genealogical Resources at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library - Dennis Suttles 
17124 - Where Did They Go? - Americans in Britain - Audrey Collins 
17125 - Working the National Archives Pension Indexes - Marie Varrelman Melchiori 
17126 - Discovering Old World Origins with US Records - David Ouimette 
17127 - Family Tree Maker for the Intermediate and Advanced User - Michele Pfister 
17128 - Migration Through Canals and Waterways - Carol Smith 
17129 - Going Beyond the Bare Bones: Reconstructing Your Ancestors' Lives - Thomas Jones 
17130 - The Primitive Baptist Library: Preserving Our Pioneer Heritage - Elder Robert Webb 
17131 - Locating and Using Oral History Collections - Timothy Pinnick 
17132 - Records and Repositories at the Crossroads of America - Indiana Research - Curt B. Witcher 
17133 - Irish Emigration to North America: Before, during and after the Famine - Paul Milner 
17134 - I Tripped on the Way to the Podium - Nancy Lee Waters Lauer 
17135 - Demystifying Eastern European Research - Lisa A. Alzo 
17136 - Pioneer Genealogy: Tracing your Ancestors on the Midwestern Frontier - James L. Hansen 
17137 - Making PowerPoint Unique by Not Distracting - Carrie Cook 
17138 - From Land Records to Google Earth: Mapping your Family's Place - Jane G. Haldeman 
17139 - Navigating the 1890 Gap: Research with State Census Records - Kris W. Rzepczynski 
17140 - Wisconsin: History and Resources for Genealogists - Rev. Dr. David McDonald 
17141 - Using Records in the National Archives: A Researcher's View - Marie Varrelman Melchiori 
17142 - Maximizing Your Reach: Research in University Libraries - Timothy Pinnick 
17143 - The Value-Added Professional - Fredrea Gregath Cook 
17144 - Immigration and Emigration Records on Ancestry.com - Juliana Smith 
17145 - Finding the World with WorldCat - Curt B. Witcher 
17146 - Effective Search Techniques and Sound Research Practices on Family Search - David Ouimette 
17147 - Mid-West Research on Ancestry.com - Juliana Smith 
17148 - How do you do that? Practical Suggestions for Prospective Genealogical Lecturers - Jean Wilcox Hibben 
17149 - Using Correlationto Reveal Facts that No Record States - Thomas Jones 
17150 - The Draper Papers Research in this (In)famous Manuscript Collection - James L. Hansen 
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