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INS - International Neuropsychological Society
INS 2012
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17820 - Complete INS 2012 Conference DVD-ROM -All sessions Audio Synchronized with PowerPoints - Plus MP3 files
17821 - CE 1: Foundations of Ethical Neuropsychological Assessment for the Criminal Courts
17822 - CE 2: Cognitive Training with Older Adults: Intervention, Rehabilitation, and Engagement Approaches
17823 - Students of INS (SINS) Workshop: Writing Successful Grants in Neuropsychology
17824 - CE 3: The Frontal Lobes: Anatomy and Function
17825 - CE 4: Key Concepts for Dementia Assessment: Error Analysis and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
17826 - Social Outcomes in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Perspectives from Social Neuroscience and Developmental Psychology
17827 - Paper Session 1: Video, Web, and Computer Technology in Assessment
17828 - Invited Address: Reconsidering the Role of White Matter Disease in Cognitive Aging and Dementia
17829 - CE 5: Cultural Neuroscience: A Unifying Framework for Bridging the Cultural and Biological Sciences
17830 - CE 6: Key Concepts for Dementia Assessment: Structural Imaging Biomarkers
17831 - Invited Symposium: Frontiers of Cognitive Neuroscience
17832 - Symposium 2: Surviving Prosperity: Metabolic Syndrome and the Brain
17833 - Paper Session 2: Brain and Systemic Cancer
17834 - Paper Session 3: Cognitive Control Functions
17835 - Symposium 3: The Cognitive Effects of Neurostimulation Therapies for the Treatment of Depression
17836 - Invited Address: The Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory: Past, Present, and Future
17837 - CE 7: Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient
17838 - Invited Symposium: Applied Memory and Hippocampal Functioning: Effects of Age and Disease
17839 - Symposium 4: Transdisciplinary Collaboration Between Neuropsychology and Speech-Language
17840 - Symposium 5: In Memoriam: A Neuropsychological Appreciation for the Life of Byron P. Rourke
17841 - Symposium 7: Considerations for Structural Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Disorders
17842 - Invited Address: Fronto-Parietal Interactions in Working Memory: Monitoring versus Manipulation
17843 - Symposium 6: Binge Drinking and Neurocognition in Youth: Evidence from Cross-sectional and Prospective Neuroimaging Stud
17844 - Birch Lecture: Memory: Looking Back and Looking Forward
17845 - CE 9: Ethical Decision Making in Neuropsychological Research and Practice among Ethnic Minority
17846 - CE 10: Social Cognition Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
17847 - Invited Address: Social Cognition and the Frontal Lobes
17848 - Paper Session 4: Cognitive Aging
17849 - Invited Address: Hemispheric Differences in Learning and Memory: Insights from Deficit Patterns and from Functional Neur
17850 - Paper Session 5: Mild Cognitive Impairment
17851 - Paper Session 6: ADHD and Learning Disabilities
17852 - Showcase of Outstanding Student Research
17853 - CE 11: Examining the Value of Neuropsychological Testing in the Era of Biomarkers for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzh
17854 - Symposium 8: Common Data Elements in Neurological Research
17855 - Symposium 9: Current Controversies in Parkinson Disease
17856 - The Interdisciplinary Assessment and Treatment of Learning Disabilities
17857 - Paper Session 7: Traumatic Brain Injury (Adult)
17858 - Symposium 10: Recent Advances in the Study of Fatigue
17859 - Invited Address: Neuroadaptation to Alcohol Dependence: Consequences and Opportunity for Recovery
17860 - Presidential Address: Neuropsychology in the Era of Translational Neuroscience
17861 - CE 12: Ethical Decision Making and Capacity To Consent in Neurocognitively Impaired and Vulnerable Patient Populations
17862 - Symposium 11: Are They Faking or Is It Real? Research on Symptom Validity Testing for Learning Disability and ADHD Asses
17863 - Paper Session 8: Ecologically-Valid Assessment and Treatment
17864 - Symposium 12: Brain Electrophysiology of Cognitive Processes: Transdisciplinarity Essential
17865 - Symposium 13: Empirically-based Cognitive Rehabilitation from Healthy Aging to Alzheimer's
17866 - Paper Session 9: Cognition in Low Birth Weight/Premature Birth
17867 - Symposium 14: Korsakoff's Syndrome Revisited with Neuroimaging and Translational Investigations
17868 - Paper Session 10: Psychopathology
17869 - Paper Session 11: Pediatric Structural Neuroimaging
17870 - Paper Session 12: Cognitive Functioning in Epilepsy
7863 - Paper Session 8: Ecologically-Valid Assessment and Treatment
Wednesday 12 February, 2025
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