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Title Speaker format
Hipnosis for Beauty Larisa Neshcheret VIDEO
People of Color and Hypnosis Steven Rollins VIDEO
Intro To Time Quest Trance-Formation Kevin Cole Audio
Cutting Edge Addiction Research and Treatment  Will Horton Audio
Face Reading For Fun and PROFIT David Snyder Audio
Motivational Interviewing - Standard of Care Amye Scharlau VIDEO
Cultivate an Entrepreneur Mindset for Hypnotists Victoria Gallagher Audio
HTLx Rich Guzzi  VIDEO
HTLx part 1 Michael DeSchalit VIDEO
HTLx part 2 Michael DeSchalit VIDEO
Creativity in Hypnotic Suggestion Richard Nongard VIDEO
Stage Hypnosis for the Clinical Hypnotist Mark Marshall VIDEO
The 30 Day Heartbreak Cure Catherine Hickland Audio
E & P: What You Don't Know About Sexual Behavior Gila Zak VIDEO
100% Referral with 5 Star Reviews! Ken Guzzo VIDEO
Helping Athletes in Crisis Joni Neidigh Audio
300 Milliseconds: The Flash Future and Real Change Pt. 1 Fredric Mau VIDEO
300 Milliseconds: The Flash Future and Real Change Pt. 2 Fredric Mau VIDEO
Midfullness Made Easy Shelley Stockwell Nicolas Audio
NLP for Profit, Using NLP for Copy Writing, Sales, Conversion, and MORE David Snyder Audio
HTLx Theresa Price  VIDEO
Chakras 101 Phylicia Mason Audio
Super Soul Sex Petra Frese VIDEO
HTLx Richard Nongard  VIDEO
HTLx Will Horton VIDEO
Leading Hypnotically Blain Pratt VIDEO
The Perfect Hypnotic Induction for Zoom Sean Michael Andrews Audio
Gorilla Hypnosis  Rich Guzzi VIDEO
HTLx Kevin Cole VIDEO
HTLx Serena Denmark VIDEO
Package and Sell Your Knowledge as a Hypnotist or Coach Juan Acosta Audio
The Real You - A Psychic Sensitive April Azzolino  VIDEO
HTLx Petra Frese VIDEO
Hypnotic ABC's of Anger Larry Neidigh VIDEO
How To Communicate With Anyone Bunny Vreeland VIDEO
Performing Hypnosis: How to Captivate an Audience of 1 To 1000 and Everything In Between Rich Guzzi Audio
YA Fiction - Metaphors for Millenials & More Gila Zak VIDEO
The Art of Presentation Steven Rollins Audio
Sticky Suggestions For Lasting Change Juan Acosta VIDEO
2 New  NLP Techniques Will Horton Audio
Panel Discussion - Age Regression - Magic Bullet or Trauma? Sean Michael Andrews VIDEO
How to Write Best Selling Book Victoria Gallagher Audio
How to Create a Happy Hypnosis Practice Right Away! Olena Pkhaladze VIDEO
A Sane Alternative to Sliding Scale Joseph Onesta Audio
Light Up Your Practice Bunny Vreeland Audio
STORY TIME..The Neuro-Science of Narrative Magic Myth and Metaphor David Snyder VIDEO
Magic in Hypnosis Mr. P Audio
Permanent Weight Release Lori Hammond Audio
Effective Sessions - Effective Practice! Ken Guzzo Audio
The Power of Having Your Own Products Jolana Andre Audio
How to Make Money Online Steve G Jones Audio
Audio 101... Mixers, Mics and Cameras... Oh My!  TJ Ziebell VIDEO
Gold Medal Mental Toughness for Athletes: The Mellow Technique Joni Neidigh Audio
Walking the Timeline Serena Denmark VIDEO
Get The Most From Your Social Media Pt. 1 Jolana Andre VIDEO
Get The Most From Your Social Media Pt. 2 Jolana Andre VIDEO
Your Script for Hope - How to Put It Into Action Petra Frese Audio
Street Hypnosis Sean Michael Andrews Audio
Instant Conversational Hypnosis David Snyder Audio
Parkinson's Pete and The Amazing Hypnotic Adventure Joseph Onesta VIDEO
Programming Your Stage Hypnosis Show For Success Michael DeSchalit Audio
Vivify Your Senses & Expand Your Positive Vibes Theresa Price Audio
Finding the Funny Rich Guzzi VIDEO
Self Evolation by Using Regression Adventure Larisa Neshcheret Audio
NLP & Hypnosis to Increase Your Psychic Abilities Pt. 1 Will Horton VIDEO
NLP & Hypnosis to Increase Your Psychic Abilities Pt. 2 Will Horton VIDEO
Terry Talks Terry Stokes Audio
Manifestation and Meditation to Attract Abundance Victoria Gallagher Audio
Metaphoric Associative Cards Natalya Svetlana Audio
Hypnotic Public Speaking Derrick Watkins VIDEO
Stage Hypnosis Power Moves Erick Kand VIDEO
Faster EFT - Fast Personal Changes - Clearing Your Personal Blocks Robert Smith Audio
Easy Business Startup Solutions Holly Stokes Audio
HTLx Ken Guzzo VIDEO
X-Ray Influence  Chase Hughes Audio
How to make a great First Impression.mp4 Bunny Vreeland VIDEO
HTLx Jack Chang VIDEO
Package and Sell your Knowledge as a Hypnotist or Coach Juan Acosta VIDEO
HTLx Juan Acosta VIDEO
HTLx Richard Rumble VIDEO
Campfire Songs Richard Rumble VIDEO
HTLx Shelley Stockwell Nicholas VIDEO
Standing in your Awesomeness Pannel Scott Sandland, Jason Linett, Kaz Reiley, Ken Guzzo VIDEO
Dental Hypnosis Juan Acosta Audio
Mindfullness Richard Nongard Audio
Hypnosis and People with Disabilities Dan Hetrica Audio
Stage Presence Derrick Watkins Audio
How to use Hypnosis in the Real World Gary Nelson Audio
Religious Trauma Joe Onesta Audio
Programming Your Session for Success Michael DeSchalit Audio
Building Rapport Mr. P Audio
HTLx Shelly Stockwell Nicols Audio
DNA Simone Kvalhaim Audio
Life and Light Energy Simone Kvalhaim Audio
Hypnosis 101 Steven Rollins Audio
Be Your Best Terry Stoke Audio


2018 - MP3 Audio  
Title Speaker
3 Rapid Therapy Techniques Kate Beaven-Marks
Cancer, The Hypnotic Journey Scott Schmaren
Attract More Hits with Mobile Website Design Steve Stork
Changing Allergies and Sensitivities with Anchoring William Wood
The Hypnotic Learning Circle John Cerbone
Transforming Negative Self-Talk Mark Andreas
Shame: The Universal Emotion Joan Courtney
Hypnotic Time Travel--Insight from the Inside Karen Hand
Powerful Profitable Presentations  Dan Candell
Rising to the Occasion: Metaphor and Storytelling for Erectile Dysfunction James Hazlerig / Kaz Riley
Hypno Tricks James Tripp & Adrian Madril
The Science Behind Real Rapid & Fast Power Inductions Martin Castor Peterson
Tapping the Teen Market Katherine Zimmerman
The History and Future of Hypnosis & Psychedelic Medicines Justin Weiss
Beyond Mindfulness - Hygge Roy Thaller
Hypnotic Public Speaking Derrick Watkins
Impov-ing Your Business Ron Soderstrom & Phylicia Mason
Sexual Suggestibility and Relationship Strategies Gila Zak
Magic Hands Michael Watson
What is the Heck is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Anyway?  Linda Thunberg
The Ultimate Weight Loss Hypnosis Script Selena Valentine
Lie to Me if You Dare David Snyder
Working with Clients with Highly Sensitive Personality Olena Prokopenko
Use the Force - The Hero’s Journey to Success Maria Bird
Archtypal Hypnosis Nickolas Ely
How to Interview Insightfully Jane Ann Covington
Turning Clicks into Clients Craig Eubanks 
How to Use Indirect Regression to Resolve the Root Cause  Pamela Winkler
Become Confident with Your Induction Nicole Wackernagle
How the Principles of Improv Benefit the Hypnotist Kelli von Heydekampf
Joy Therapy Shelley Stockwell
Hypnotic Outsourcing: Explode Your Productivity Jason Linett
Get Found on Google & Quickly Grow Your Practice  Holly Stokes
Hypnosis and Disability: An Untapped Market. Rob Schlesinger
Uber Hypnosis with Essential Oils Melissa Rich
You Can’t Help Anyone Until You Realize That Everything Is A Lie Robert Saviola
Habits and Addictions William Horton
Using Hypnosis and Energy Work to Help Clients with MS Bruce & Tracy Bonczyk
Be the Weight Loss Expert in Your Area Jo-Anne Eadie
Dance Away Problems With NLP Powerful Mind-Body Solutions Patricia Eslava Vessey
Experiential Hypnosis  Stephanie Conkle & Karen Riley
The Ultimate Clinical Induction Timothy Trujillo
Impromptu Hypnosis Techniques  Karl Smith
Graphology for the Hypnotherapist Mike Mandel
Using Intent and State Control for Powerful Hypnotic Effect Todd Stevens
The Island Bob Burns
Managing Stress in Uncertain Times Rebekka Putnam
Cannabis and Hypnosis, What Every Therapist Needs To Know Caitlin Roth
The Simpson Protocol: Esdaile and Beyond Gregory Sartin Beckett
Regression to Cause & Fix it - R2C According to OMNI Hansruedi Wipf
NLP 101 for Hypnotists Dan Ross
Become a Hypnosis Recording Artist James Dayley
Discover Press Kits That Sizzle Richard Barker
Advanced Autogenic Training Jo Moon
Jungian Shadow Work and Transformation Michelle Braun
Hypnosis for ADD; The Power of Focus Zoilita Grant
Marketing Magic: The Basics of Promoting Your Practice Kathy Gruver
Passive Profit and Prosperity with Hypnotic Recordings Victoria Gallagher
Going 'Against' the Flow. Secrets of the 'Lazy' Therapist Kevin Laye
The Power of Suggestion: Using Pre-talk Ariel Sherker
Mental Conditioning Moments for Athletes: The MellowTechnique  Joni Neidigh
I Just Can't Get Over Him/Her! Teresa Perciful
Being the BEST Smoking Cessation Specialist! Ken Guzzo
Expert Mindset and Peak Performance Richard Nongard
Think and Get Strong! – Hypnosis as a Great Tool in Sports Performance  Philipp Niemeyer
Five Effective Transpersonal Inductions Albert Marotta
Talking with the (Wo)Man in the Mirror… Adrian Madril
Make the Unconscious Mind TALK! The Empty Chair Method Adam Nassor
Transformative Storytelling for Smoking Emancipation James Hazlerig
A Solid Introduction in Detachment Therapy Donald Hood
The Biology of Belief Hena Husain
Let's Talk About Sex Stin-Niels Musche
How to Raise Your Rates to $500 and Have a 6 Month Waiting List Grace Smith
How to Create and Sell Programs… Which are Essential to Your Business  Helen Mitas
Foundations of Conversational Changework Steve Roehm
SPEED ATTRACTION: How to Make Someone Like Trust and Love You In As Little As 20 Minutes David Snyder
The Secret to Interpreting Dreams Phylicia Mason
Launch your hypnosis career. NOW! Jim Kellner
Hypnotic Ho'oponopono for Resolution, Release & Healing Mark Lakowske
Get Centered in an Instant Andrew McDuffee
2 Dynamic Tools from 2 HOPE Coaches Kelley Woods/Roger Moore
Breast Enhancement with Hypnosis Lisa Kunschick
Take Advantage of a Nearly Untapped Market Adam Moore
Improve Job Interviewing Skills with Hypnosis Marx Howell
Inductions, Inductions, Inductions: Instant, Rapid, Quick, or Slow Kweethai Neill
Crafting Metaphors: Stories That Change Lives Mike Mandel
Long, Slow and Deep - Restorative Hypnotherapy Lisa Hubler
Hypno Pop: Hypnosis in 20th Century Pop Culture Douglas Meacham
Befriending Your Shadow Tess Meissner and Lisa Dewey
Values Hierachy Protocol - For Life and Business Martin Castor Peterson
Pack Your Schedule: The Fully-Booked Hypnotist Jason Linett
Mentalism Warmups for Hypnotist Devin Knight
Kenedi's Genetic Concousness:  The Quantum Response Kathi Kenedi
Develop Your Client-Focused Hypnosis Sales Story Tom Houle
Coaching the 3 Brains Jess Marion
The Neuroscience of 'Awesome' Kevin Laye
Autism Release for Teens into Adulthood Camille Jarmusz
Using a Business Planner Schedule Your Biz Angie Hernandez
Stopping the Hypnotic Vampires from Your Practice and Your Life Mercedes Herman
Mind Hack, Happiness or Pleasure William Horton
Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Sean Michael Andrews
Come to the Past Life Regression Party! Wendy Merron
Jeffrey Stephen's Protocol Rob De Groof
Emotional Choice Michael Watson
Influencer Marketing - The New Secret Richard Barker
Procrastinate! And Still Get it Done Melissa Tiers
Plastique! A LIVE Client Transformational Experience! Ken Guzzo
The Wall Bob Burns
More Than Saying You Are Sorry  Barbara Stafford
Build your Business with Stress Resiliency Rick Green
Drawing out Metaphors for Clients, Kids, or Groups Karen Hand
Hypnosis, The Best Hobby Ever !!! Robert Riddlemoser
How to Make Money in Hypnosis Steve G. Jones
Working with First Responders and Prevalent Stress     Dan Goyette
Mindful Hypnosis: Training The Consious and Subconsious Mind Shirly Gilad
Shamanism - Another Approach to Hypnosis Petra Frese
Formation of Positive and Negative Belief Systems in Children  Cheryl Elman
Taking Your Hypnosis into Schools and Colleges Shiela Granger
Living Through the Trauma of Disease and Dying Roger Moore
HeartMath® Workshop – The Resilience Advantage™ Mohammed Shiekh
The "Other" Magic: Chaos Magic and Hypnosis Jeffrey Richards
Hypnobusiness: How to Get $100,000 in an Hour Selling Online Alberto Dell'Isola
Academic Performance and Test-Taking Anxiety Hypnosis Richard Nongard
The New Hypnotherapist’s Survival Guide Ted Frieband
Hypnosis for Children of Divorce Christina Gikas
Tricks to End Trichotillomania (hair pulling) Alan Barsky
Semantics: The Heart of Hypnosis Larry Elman
The Synesthesia Splitter Sarah Carson
Win the Fight: The MATRIX Protocol for Martial Artists and Professional Fighters Joshua Manuel
The Science of a well Formulated Hypnotic Pre-talk Scott Duvall
Baby Boomers and Social Media Stephanie Ducheteau
Essential Ingredients of a Single-Session Smoking Cessation Program Bruce Eimer
Locus of Control: Influencing Change and Developing Emotional Responsibility Kate Beaven-Marks
People Reading for Fun and Profit David Snyder
Use Your Mind To Change Your Body - The Placebo Diet Method Janet Thomson
Ultra-Height - Solving Problems in the Supra-Conscious Level Hansruedi Wipf
Mastering Inductions and Basic Techniques Roy Hunter
Mind of an Alchemist Mr. P
Fibro...What?   How To Eliminate The Symptoms Melissa Roth
Hypnotic Bootcamp Don Spencer
Play Big – Let’s Talk About Sports  Jo Moon
Walking Hypnosis is Real Sheryl Hill
Learn How to Break into the Medical Field Amber Cox
HypnoDontics: Hypnosis in Dentistry Beryl Comar
The Reality of Mesmerism Rick Collingwood
The Shamanic Journey: More Than Metaphor Tess Meissner
Zero to Hero - Your First Hypnosis Show Scott Christie
Tree Reading Interpretation: Let the Wisdom of the Tree Help You  Janet Crain
The Neuroscience of Chanting Kevin Cole
Overdurf in a Nutshell Shawn Carson
Clinical Hypnosis, Inner Child Regression,Life Between Life, Past Life and Generation Regression Therapy J.A. Sanchez
Watch Your Language! Kerry Tuschoff
Chakra Balancing with Self Hypnosis  Pamela O'Leary
Gratitude, How to Use as the Secret Ingredient to Success in Every Area Scott Schmaren
Unlocking Libido – Helping Your Clients Find Their Sex Drive and Get Their Sexy Back Kaz Riley
G.I.F.T. - Guided Imagery For Transformation Steven Roth
Close your Eyes, Get Free: Empowering your Clients to Heal Themselves Grace Smith
Develop Group Events to Expand Your Practice Elizabeth Campbell
Instant Life Trance-formation - Immediate Improvement on the Spot John Cerbone
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) - The Next 'Big Thing' in Mind / Body Medicine Garry Coles
Energy Balancing Techniques - for Rapid and Powerful Change Marla Brucker
An Easy Method to Bring in More Clients T & B Bonczyk
Managing Second-Hand Trauma Linda Bennett
Are You in the Right Career? Helping Make Career Transitions Tamara Small
Self-Directed Neuroplasticity: The Science of Change Melissa Tiers
Re-Coding, the Lost NLP Alternative to Regression Therapy Patrick Singleton
Change Can Be Fast! Learn the Top 5 Hypnosis Hacks You Can Do  Didi Vergados
Heart Wisdom Process: Healing Relationship Challenges  Paul Wong
ALL Aspects of Hypnosis for the Support of Cancer Patients and Family  Seth-Deborah Roth
The Precision Elicitation of Hypnotic Phenomena James Tripp
Hands on Hypnosis Timothy Trujillo
Modern Day Marketing for the Modern Day Hypnotist Shiela Granger
Mind Over Menopause Helen Breward
Demonstrations of the Subconscious Mind Carm Blacconiere
When Happiness is Work Peter Bedard
How to Program Your Stage Hypnosis Show for Maximum Success Michael DeSchalit
Mentalism for Hypnotherapists Rob De Groof
Hypnosis is Habit Forming Mark Babineaux
Resolve Insomnia -- a Reliable Protocol  Tracy Barrett Adams
Abstraction: The Power to Be Anything You Want Juan Acosta
Break the Food Trance! 5 Pattern Interrupts for Your Clients (And You) Kerrilee Pietrowski
Hypnosis & LGBTQ Community - A Frank Discussion Gregory Sartin Beckett
The Physics of Pain Kweethai Neill
How to Communicate With Anyone  Bunny Vreeland
Spoon Bending James Daley
How To Generate Peak Performance In You and Your Athletes  Randi Light
Hypnosis with Kids Kelley Woods 
Dual Voice Hypnosis A. Carvalho & M. Lima
The Ho'oponopono and EFT Combination Tool  Veronica Flores
Weight Loss: One Size Does Not Fill All Fern Tausig
The Arrow Technique Freddy Jacquin
Mesmerism and Hypnosis Michael Werner


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