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*Complete INS 2018 Conference -All sessions Audio Slides with Synchronized Audio, Plus MP3 files
30120 - Program Welcome
30121 - CE Workshop 1. Test and Treat or Treat and Test? Scientific and Ethical Issues in Neuropsychological Approaches to Learning Disabilities
30122 - CE Workshop 2. Role of Neuroplasticity in Outcomes from Perinatal Brain Injuries
30123 - CE Workshop 3. Language Foundations in Population Encoding Networks and Implications for Aphasia Therapy
30124 - CE Workshop 4. Assessment and Treatment of Postconcussive Symptoms in Veterans: Rethinking the Role of Concussion
30125 - CE Workshop 5. How Adolescence Specializes The Brain to Establish Adult Modes of Operation
30126 - CE Workshop 6. Ethical Practice in a Learning Healthcare System: Tomatoes, Technology, and the Marriage of Clinical Practice and Research
30127 - Workshop, Presented by the INS Student Liaison Committee: The Role of Neuropsychology in an Integrated Healthcare Setting
30129 - INS Awards Ceremony Awards Committee
30130 - CE Workshop 7. ?Precision Neuropsychology?: Neuropsychological Assessment in the ?Precision Medicine? Revolution
30131 - CE Workshop 8. Role of Computerized Screening in Healthcare Teams: Why Computerized Testing is NOT the Death of Neuropsychology
30132 - Invited Symposium 1. Multiple Trace Theory (MTT) at 20: A Review of Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Developments, and Future Directions
30133 - Symposium 1. Remote and Progressive Effects of Brain Injury: Novel Findings and Novel Treatment Approaches
30134 - Symposium 2. Neuropsychology of Pediatric Neuroimmunological Diseases
30135 - Paper Session 1. Assessment
30136 - Plenary B. Rule + Rhythms = Cognition
30137 - Invited Symposium 2. Neurocognitive Function in Aerospace and Aeronautics
30138 - Symposium 3. Increasing Minority Engagement in the Field of Neuropsychology
30139 - Paper Session 2. Adult Medical Disorders
30140 - Paper Session 3. Mood and Anxiety Disorders
30141 - Benton / Mid-Career Awardee Presentation: Objects and Actions in the Healthy and Damaged Brain
30142 - Symposium 4. Technological Advances in Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention
30143 - Symposium 5. The Present and Future of Technology in Neuropsychological Assessment: What is Feasible
30144 - Paper Session 4. Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury
30145 - Paper Session 5. Parkinson Disease and Movement Disorders
30146 - Early Career Awardee Presentation: Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Development, Course and Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
30147 - Symposium 6. Chronic Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans and Service Memvers on Cognition, Vestibular Function
30148 - Paper Session 6. Pediatric Neuropsychiatry
30149 - Paper Session 7. Cognitive Reserve
30150 - Paper Session 8. Neurocognitive Trajectory and Aging
30152 - CE Workshop 9. Vulnerability to Post Traumatic Distress Disorder After Traumatic Brain Injury; Chronic Stress and Accelerated Aging
30153 - CE Workshop 10. Cognitive and Brain Aging: Neurodegeneration, Cumulative Risk and Etiological Factors, or Epigenetic Phenomena?
30154 - Plenary D. Where Neuromodulation and Neuropsychology Meet ? Promoting Plasticity to Enhance Brain Health
30155 - Invited Symposium 3. Challenging the Status Quo: Future Directions in Cultural Neuropsychology
30156 - Symposium 7. Bringing Neuropsychology to the People
30157 - Symposium 8. Toward a Biomarker-Only Diagnosis of Alzheimer?s Disease
30158 - Paper Session 9. Alcohol and Substance Abuse
30159 - Panel Discussion, Presented by the INS Student Liaison Committee: Technology and New Approaches in Cognitive Rehabilitation
30160 - Plenary E. Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging of Alcohol Use Disorder With and Without Korsakoff Syndrome
30161 - Invited Symposium 4. From Genes to Behavior in ADHD ? How is the Brain Involved?
30162 - Symposium 9. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Older Adults
30163 - Paper Session 10. Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
30164 - Paper Session 11. MCI and Dementia
30165 - Symposium 10. Teleneuropsychology Coming of Age in Clinical and Research Applications
30166 - Paper Session 12. Traumatic Brain Injury
30167 - Paper Session 13. Alzheimer?s Disease
30168 - Paper Session 14. Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging Markers
30169 - Plenary F (Birch Memorial Lecture). Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia: Past, Present, and Future
30170 - CE Workshop 11. Neuropsychological Research in Hispanics/ Latinos Living in the United States: The Case of HIV
30171 - CE Workshop 12. Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Assessment: Challenges and Solutions
30172 - Invited Symposium 5. Neuropolitics: Getting ?Under the Hood? of Political Attitudes, Identities and Behaviours in a Turbulent World
30173 - Symposium 11. Investigating Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Connectome Approaches
30174 - Paper Session 15. Aging
30175 - Paper Session 16. Sleep, Stress, and Exercise
30176 - Symposium 12. Health- Promoting Activities as Protective Factors Underlying Disease Outcomes in MS
30177 - Paper Session 17. Cancer Across the Lifespan
30178 - Paper Session 18. Memory Function
30179 - Paper Session 19. Cerebrovascular Issues and Epilepsy
30180 - Plenary G (Kaplan Memorial Lecture). Disembodied Minds and Embodied Brains
Sunday 08 September, 2024
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